Yo……… lowkey - Sidney is FIYUH!!
Yo……… lowkey - Sidney is FIYUH!!
"The Kraken" was written by Tennyson in 1830…
Andrew Jackson was POTUS in 1830…
His 1828 election victory was considered a LANDSLIDE…
@realDonaldTrump May 2017: "They said my campaign was most like Andrew Jackson… It was 1828. That’s a long time ago. And he had a very, very mean and nasty campaign. Because they said this was the meanest and the nastiest. And unfortunately it continues…"
Jackson, like Trump, was a wealthy man who gave voice to the frustrations and anger of working-class citizens against moneyed interests.
The frontiersman son of Scots-Irish immigrants was known as “the people’s president.”
He upended the established order in Washington.
In 2016, Steve Bannon predicted to the Hollywood Reporter that “like [Andrew] Jackson’s populism, we’re going to build an entirely new political movement. The conservatives are going to go crazy.”