Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:42 a.m. No.11669376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9429



>>11668544 Eyes On/Alert: Fake Sydney Powell Account

>>11668547 Google Sued For Data Costs After Android Phones Found Transferring "Unapproved, Undisclosed" Data

>>11668578 Plaintiffs DISMISS Wisconsin lawsuit claiming election officials included illegal results in certain counties and seeking to to stop the certification of election results from these counties.

>>11668633 As a reminder, Secretary Boockvar has a history of anti-Trump sentiment.

>>11668661, >>11668833, >>11669203 PF

>>11668744 Trump campaign rejects WashPost reporting about PA #votecount lawsuit

>>11668906 CDC Lists 26,557 Heart Attacks as COVID Deaths, Lists 7,919 Accidents and Poisonings as COVID Deaths

>>11668928 GSA Administrator Must Adhere to Constitution, Past Precedent in Determining President-Elect

>>11668949 A former Boy Scout leader pleaded guilty to a life sentence Monday after to multiple counts of child molestation

>>11668956 BBC Gets Owned By Trump Supporter — ‘Your Country’s Opinion Stopped Mattering in Our Country in 1776’

>>11668989 Pompous US CEOs Hold Secret Meeting to Discuss Removing President Trump Because They Know Best

>>11669004 My IT experts spoke with Ron Watkins last night.

>>11669032 20,000 Votes Switched from Trump to Biden

>>11669034 WALL update.

>>11669041 @LLinWood "No offense but I disagree. God acts in part through His children. So stop waiting for others, get busy & take action.

>>11669075 SEC Chairman Jay Clayton To Step Down At End Of 2020, Paving Way For Biden's Pick

>>11669080 NORTHWEST SHUTDOWN: Washington State Gov Cracks Down on Restaurants, Churches, Grocery Stores

>>11669090 Biden Hires Economic Team With Focus On Systemic Racism

>>11669111 ‘You get what you accept’: Trump Covid adviser Atlas roasted for suggesting people should ‘rise up’ against Covid restrictions

>>11669127 Top Goldman dealmaker Lemkau is leaving the bank at year-end, according to memo

>>11669137, >>11669215 First Europe, Then Japan, Now Australia Hit By Unprecedented Full-Day Trading Halt Due To "Software Glitch"

>>11669195 Search results for NCSWIC + forced



Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:43 a.m. No.11669386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9449 >>9559 >>9721 >>9864 >>0060 >>0079

‘Green revolution’: Boris Johnson set to announce plan to make UK world leader in renewable energy


British Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced Prime Minister Boris Johnson will publish his plan for a ‘green revolution’ this week, after pledging to make the UK a world leader in green energy during last month’s conference speech.


The new measures are due to be revealed as part of the UK government’s 25 year environment plan, which will seek to “kickstart a green economic recovery,” while creating jobs, protecting the nation’s iconic landscapes and providing a blueprint for meeting net zero emissions targets by 2050.


Johnson has previously made clear his ten-point plan for delivering a green recovery and making the UK a world leader in the field, incorporating it into his ‘Build Back Better’ plan. The prime minister said “with the natural world under threat, it’s more important than ever that we act now to enhance our natural environment and protect our precious wildlife and biodiversity.”


Environment Secretary George Eustice praised the expected plan as showing how the UK is “leading the world in protecting the natural environment and combating climate change.”


The Conservative Party has previously promised action on climate change, with former leader David Cameron claiming he’d created the “greenest government ever.” However, the party’s opponents argue that, while many policies were pledged, little was achieved. On November 8, Shadow Business Secretary Ed Miliband called on Johnson to go further than his proposals and “strain every political sinew” to secure a global commitment that leads to “dramatic reductions” in emissions.


The launch of the ‘green revolution’ plan comes after the departure of two of Johnson’s close advisers, former Communications Director Lee Cain and former Chief Adviser Dominic Cummings, both of whom are thought to have opposed an environmental speech until Covid-19 is brought under control.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.11669398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>0060

New York sheriff takes defiant stand against Gov. Cuomo's COVID restrictions impacting Thanksgiving


'People have common sense'


One New York sheriff is taking a stand for those residents who live in his jurisdiction, pushing back against Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo's new coronavirus-related Thanksgiving restrictions.


Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday, Cuomo announced new restrictions as COVID-19 cases surge worldwide.


Although Cuomo declared victory over COVID-19 despite his nursing home scandal — even writing a book about his leadership during the pandemic — the Democratic governor announced gatherings in the Empire State would again be limited to just 10 people, including at private residences.


Cuomo justified the new restrictions by citing "science."


"New York follows the science. We know indoor gatherings and parties are a major source of COVID spread. To slow the spread, NYS will limit indoor gatherings at private residences to 10 people. This limit takes effect Friday at 10pm," Cuomo announced last week.


New York follows the science. We know indoor gatherings and parties are a major source of COVID spread. To slow t…

— Andrew Cuomo (@Andrew Cuomo)1605120289.0


Cuomo did not, however, reveal how the new restrictions would be enforced, instead giving discretion to local authorities.


What is the sheriff saying?


Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino responded by announcing that his deputies would not be enforcing Cuomo's new restrictions.


Giardino, who holds a law degree, explained that he does not believe Cuomo's latest executive order is constitutional.


"With regard to the Thanksgiving Executive Order, the Fulton County Sheriff's Office will NOT be enforcing it against our County residents," Giardino wrote in a Facebook post.


"Frankly, I am not sure it could sustain a Constitutional challenge in Court for several reasons including your house is your castle. And as a Sheriff with a law degree I couldn't in good faith attempt to defend it Court, so I won't," he explained. "Who and how many people you invite in to your home is your business, unlike outdoor gatherings which may receive a police response if disorderly or other violations of public nuisance laws occur."


Giardino later said that he trusts his residents to use their "own judgement," but urged them to take necessary precautions if they are around someone who is particularly vulnerable to COVID.


Meanwhile, Giardino said in an interview with the Albany Times Union that Cuomo is "scaring the hell out of people," explaining government overreach should not legislate where citizens are perfectly capable of exercising "common sense."


"People have common sense. They are not going to jeopardize family members. They are not going to jeopardize close friends. Most people respect the masks," Giardino said. "Basically, as a lawyer, former DA and judge, if I got brought into court, I can't justify it constitutionally. The threat is not so great that we should be limiting who they can have for Thanksgiving."

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.11669411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>0060 >>0098

Huck Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, Other Classic Books BANNED in California Schools for “Racism”


When Gutenberg introduced the printing press in 1440, the world had no idea that things were about to drastically change. Prior to the release and production of the printing press, books were incredibly expensive, rare, mostly written in Latin, and reserved for royalty and clergy.


The spread of information was kept under lock and key.


However, in just a few decades after its spread throughout the world, Gutenberg’s press had rolled out hundreds of millions of books. The operation of a printing press became synonymous with the enterprise of printing and lent its name to a new branch of media, the press.


The world was becoming informed.


Hailed as one of the most important inventions in human history, the printing press helped societies break free from the ignorance and bondage imposed upon them by the keepers of information. Over the next 400 years, those with access to information about peace and freedom began to rise up against their oppressors. Instead of monarchies and dictatorships, republics and democracies were born.


The world was well on its way to becoming a Land of the Free. Unfortunately, however, with information — comes propaganda and censorship.


Not being able to control the dissemination of information, tyrants decided to control the actual information instead. Certain books were burned, banned, and shunned. Only establishment-supporting nationalistic books were promoted which led to entire societies believing their patriotic stories about how their countries ‘played the key role in the development of the modern world’ — up to and including societies like Nazi Germany who were convinced that murdering millions of Jews was the right thing to do.


For decades, the world was tricked by slick establishment propagandists, who wrote their version of heroic history. Tyrants were painted as saviors; mass murderers hailed as great discoverers. The world was slipping back into a dark age of control and manipulation.


Luckily, there were a few voices who resisted mass censorship, the book banners and burners, and the last century has seen incredible growth and freedom of speech. But, like all empires inevitably do, America is increasingly slipping into despotism and, once again, the alleged “arbiters of truth” are attempting to silence information with which they disagree.


One example of this new “book burning” is taking place in California. Schools in Burbank, California have banned multiple books after a handful of parents expressed concern over them. To be clear, these books do not advocate racism, violence, hatred, or anything of the sort. These books have won multiple awards and have achieved literary godliness.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.11669422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>0060

Police Ignore BLM Attacks on Restaurant Patron, Staff in San Francisco Suburb


Black Lives Matter protesters attacked a man who reportedly exited a San Francisco East Bay suburban restaurant. The protesters pushed the man into a street with moving traffic and knocked him to the ground. Police appeared to ignore the episode.


“He’s the craziest f**king white man,” one of the protesters yells in a video tweeted by independent journalists Andy Ngo and Kitty Shackleford. The video shows sparks or burning embers on one of the protesters.


Last night, a mob of BLM-antifa protesters staged a “No Justice, No Peace” protest outside city hall in Walnut Creek, Cal. (near San Francisco). They began assaulting at least one person & then confronted diners at a restaurant across the street. #antifa


— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) November 16, 2020 reported the incident took place during a “No Justice, No Peace, Night Protest in Walnut Creek.”


Reporter Peter Kay said protesters burned Trump and Gadsden flags on the sidewalks in front of the Bourbon Highway restaurant in Walnut Creek, California. A man approached and threw some of the burning flags onto one of the protesters, the article claims.


Walnut Creek, CA


— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) November 15, 2020


A man wearing black bloc shoves the man into the street with moving traffic. He shoves the man again, knocking him to the ground. The man quickly gets up and runs away.


“Go home to your wife and mind your business,” a protester yells. “Mind your f**king business.


The incident happened after BLM protesters harassed Bourbon Highway patrons Saturday night.


Walnut Creek, CA


— Kitty Shackleford (@KittyLists) November 15, 2020


One of the protesters appears to spray an unknown substance at restaurant staff on the patio dining area. Another protester shoves a woman on the patio to the ground. Walnut Creek police say in a Facebook post that the substance was pepper spray.


“Black Lives Matter,” the woman with the bullhorn yells at the staff. Someone responds prompting the woman to say, “So act like it. Act like it.”

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.11669430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>0060

China’s Huawei Looks for ‘Reset’ Boost Under Biden White House


Huawei said Monday it hopes any ascension of Joe Biden to the White House will lead to a reset in China’s relations with the U.S. and new beginnings for the telecom giant.


The revelation comes just days after the Communist dictatorship itself welcomed Biden with open arms, swooning at the prospect of “old friend” Biden getting across the finish line.


Paul Scanlan, chief technology officer at Huawei Carrier Business Group, told CNBC in an interview when there “is a change in government, there is always the opportunity to reset relationships.”


The Trump administration announced sanctions against the company in August that isolated it from some technology it sourced from the United States, as Breitbart News reported.


Those impositions caused a shortage of computer chips for the company, hurting the growth of its smartphone business.


The move followed the United Kingdom’s earlier ban on Huawei equipment from its 5G networks and phase out of all current Huawei equipment by the end of 2027.


“Huawei is an enormous threat to our national security," @newtgingrich told Breitbart News. “We have to find a strategy to defeat them. I was tweeting about the gap in our big telecoms’ inability to compete."


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) March 25, 2020


The U.K.’s decision marked a major victory for the Trump administration’s campaign to persuade U.S. allies not to allow Huawei and other Chinese telecommunication companies to build their 5G networks.


Now the company sees a way to return under a Joe Biden administration which will be more attuned to appeasment than confrontation, especially when it comes to Chinese business interests.


“Of, course under the previous administration, we had a lot of challenges,” Scanlan said in apparent reference to the Trump White House.


Huawei has been “working through those challenges” with customers and suppliers, assured Scanlan, who spoke to CNBC as part of the annual East Tech West conference.


Huawei remains “optimistic” the two sides can resolve their differences, he said, before revealing “We would welcome more dialogue,” because “with dialogue comes understanding, then comes trust, and then people can do business together.”


A group of Conservative party grandees will seek to pass legislation to make Huawei involvement in British telecoms networks illegal, over fears the Chinese may use the equipment to spy on the United Kingdom.


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) March 7, 2020


Scanlan underlined if a government had doubts about its wares and ″wants to inspect the products, then we show the products, we show everything that’s inside the products.”


“They can bring their experts to us or us to them, and we can sit down and demonstrate that the product is trustworthy,” he said. “We do that across the world.”


Huawei, founded in 1987 by a former military engineer, has long been accused of helping facilitate Chinese spying. Beijing officials accuse Washington of using national security as an excuse to stop a competitor to U.S. tech industries.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.11669450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9481 >>9514 >>9721 >>9864 >>9967 >>0060

French President Macron accuses American media of 'legitimizing' Islamist violence


'When I see them legitimizing this violence, and saying that the heart of the problem is that France is racist and Islamophobic, then I say the founding principles have been lost'


French President Emmanuel Macron accused American media of "bias" and of "legitimizing" Islamic violence in a phone call with a New York Times columnist, the paper reported Sunday.


Macron called Times media columnist Ben Smith to complain about how American media has covered the French government's response to terrorism. During the call, Macron argued that English-language coverage of recent Islamic terror attacks in France and the French government's crackdown on Islamic extremism in response has been unfairly characterized as racist or Islamophobic by the media.


"When France was attacked five years ago, every nation in the world supported us," President Macron said, referring to the Nov. 13, 2015, coordinated terrorist attacks at the Bataclan theater, outside a soccer stadium, and at Parisian cafes.


"So when I see, in that context, several newspapers which I believe are from countries that share our values — journalists who write in a country that is the heir to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution — when I see them legitimizing this violence, and saying that the heart of the problem is that France is racist and Islamophobic, then I say the founding principles have been lost," he continued.


The Times reports that more than 250 people have died in terror attacks in France since 2015. Last month, a French teacher was beheaded by a Chechen refugee in apparent retaliation for showing his class a cartoon of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Following that attack, three more people were brutally assaulted and one of them was beheaded inside a church in Nice.


In response to the threat of Islamic terror, Marcon's administration ordered a crackdown on extremism, initiating raids of suspected terrorists' homes, dissolving associations accused of spreading Islamic propaganda, and targeting terrorist funding. Macron has also denounced what he calls "Islamist separatism." In a major speech delivered in October, Macron said Muslims living in France under their own religious laws and within their own religious communities present a danger to the country by forming a "counter-society." He announced several policies that are intended to make Islam in France inclusive of French citizenship, including strictly monitoring sports organizations and other associations to stop the spread of Islamist teaching; ending the practices of imams being sent to France from abroad; increasing oversight of funding for mosques; and restricting homeschooling. The goal, as Macron states, is to craft a modern "Islam of the Enlightenment."


Muslims around the world have called for boycotts against French goods and responded with outrage to the French government's policies. An opinion article published by the Financial Times on Nov. 3 declared, "Macron's war on Islamic separatism only divides France further," arguing Macron's policies were alienating peaceful Muslims.


Macron's critics in the media have accused him of implementing policies that discriminate against the Islamic faith, but Macron says American media doesn't understand the French policy of "laïcité," or "secularism." The French government maintains an active separation of church an state, and the purpose of these policies is to ensure that the practice of Islam in France respects French law and French citizenship.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.11669480   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Reminder Brendan O'Connell called out Rense for siding with white supremacists.


Furthermore they ignore the research done by Anon's and just talk about Q being discredited.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:55 a.m. No.11669515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9707 >>9864 >>9890 >>0060

As New Vaccines Near Delivery, General in Charge of Distribution Says He's 'Ready to Execute'


President Donald Trump said Friday that the initial delivery of COVID-19 vaccines could begin to states with the exception of New York next month, once final approvals are given by the Food and Drug Administration.


Army Gen. Gus Perna, in charge of distribution for Operation Warp Speed, the interagency organization set up to speed the development of vaccines and therapeutics, said his public and private teams are ready to deliver the vaccines "within 24 hours" of FDA approval, with the first doses going to the elderly and front-line workers.


"We're ready to execute," he said.


Trump also said he does not expect any federal action to impose lockdowns in response to a surge in coronavirus cases nationwide. As of noon Friday, the number of U.S. COVID -19 cases passed 10.6 million, with more than 243,000 deaths reported, according to several tracking organizations.


"Ideally, we won't go to a lockdown," Trump said at the White House in his first update on the pandemic since the election. "I will not go, this administration will not be going to a lockdown."


He then appeared to hint that he might not be president next year, although he has refused to concede and charged that the election was stolen from him through voter fraud.


"Hopefully, the, the, whatever happens in the future who knows which administration it will be I guess time will tell. But I can tell you, this administration will not go to a lockdown. There won't be necessity," he said.


Trump added that he expects the FDA to give emergency use authorization (EUA) in the coming weeks to a promising vaccine developed by Pfizer, with delivery to the states possibly beginning in mid-December. But he excluded New York.


He charged that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo "decided to say, and I don't think it's good from a political standpoint, but he wants to take his time with the vaccine."


"We won't be delivering it to New York until we have authorization to do so, and that pains me to say that. This is a very successful, amazing vaccine," Trump said. The vaccine has an efficacy rate of about 90% in testing, according to Pfizer.


On Monday, Moderna announced its own vaccine under development is 94.5% effective, making it the second vaccine to show excellent success rates.


Cuomo immediately pushed back, saying New Yorkers have doubts about the vaccine because they don't trust Trump. "I am not confident in the competence of this federal administration," Cuomo said, adding that his own state review would be simultaneous with the FDA's for approval of the vaccine and "there won't be any lag time" on deliveries.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.11669552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9625

Congress Tells Biden He’s Not President Elect in Letter (INSIDE)


Well this is awkward. As you know for sometime, we’ve told you that the media doesn’t elect a President. The American people and our Constitution do. The Biden Administration has been pushing for a transition team to be in place while declaring a victory the media gave them. It’s not going to happen anytime soon.


The Democrats have sent letters to the General Services Administration asking for funding of a transition team, unfortunately for them our founding fathers have a few hurdles you have to go through before this is acceptable.


First and foremost, the media does not decide who the President is. The American people and our Constitutional process do. Our founders knew these situations would arise. Such as voter fraud or allegations of voter fraud, which is exactly what this letter states.


“If there is any doubt in the administrators mind, the administrator does not have to release transition assistance.” That’s exactly what is says in the presidential transition act of 1963 for those in the media who would like a lesson in accurate journalism.


Check out the letters below.

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 10 a.m. No.11669556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>0060

Syrian military moves closer to liberating occupied Idlib


Syrian military moves closer to liberating occupied Idlib


The Duran: Episode 734


Video footage of Russian attack on jihadist training camp in northwest Syria

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 10:04 a.m. No.11669581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>9936 >>0060

VIRGINIA: Portsmouth Police Chief Fired After Charging State Senator, NAACP For Destroying Monuments


“I’m being retaliated against for sticking to my sworn oath"


Portsmouth, Virginia Police Chief Angela Greene was fired this morning, just over two months after being placed on administrative leave in response to charging State Senator Louise Lucas and members of NAACP leadership for their roles in a June Black Lives Matter attack on the city’s Confederate monument.


Greene, who has led the department since 2019, was removed from her post by then-City Manager Lydia Pettis-Patton on September 4th pending an investigation into her personnel file.


“I believe I was wrongfully terminated for upholding the law,” Greene said following news of her firing. “I’m being retaliated against for sticking to my sworn oath … to serve and protect my citizens, community and keeping my officers safe.”


As I’ve previously reported for National File, following an investigation by Greene’s department, Democrat State Senator Louise Lucas, as well as members of both the Portsmouth Public Defender’s Office and NAACP leadership were charged with multiple felonies related to the monument attack, which left one Black Lives Matter attacker in critical condition after a portion of the monument collapsed onto his head. According to the investigation, Senator Lucas directly conspired with NAACP leadership and Black Lives Matter militants to destroy the monument.


Going a step further, Senator Lucas was caught on video wearing AntiFa-style garb and using powers she claims to hold as a State Senator to order police officers to stand down and allow the attack to go forward.


“Go ahead, wreck it!” Lucas then told the crowd.


Following the filing of charges in the case, Lucas hijacked a special session of the Virginia General Assembly – meant to address COVID-19 – to patron a bill offering amnesty to those convicted in monument attacks

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.11669627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642 >>9697

'If you have to sleep with her, do it': a Hunter Biden-linked firm's pursuit of Russian money


Emails chronicle effort to secure investment, create U.S. bank account for Russian oligarch.


A few months before Russian oligarch Elena Baturina wired $3.5 million in February 2014 to a Hunter Biden-linked firm, his business associates scrambled to secure U.S. bank approval because she was on a federal government "watch list" for financial transactions, according to never-before-revealed emails and documents.


The document trove may be viewed here:


JTN Baturina Exclusive - Cooney Emails [REDACTED].pdf


The memos, obtained by Just the News, show Hunter Biden's primary business partner, Devon Archer, and business associates Jason Galanis and Bevan Cooney, began working in November 2013 to overcome regulatory and compliance issues so they could take the Russian billionaire's money in one of their companies, called Burnham.


Baturina had asked the men to set up a U.S. bank account for her as part of the transactions, the memos show.


"She's so rich she has Burnham money stuck in her sofa. Good luck Archie," Galanis wrote Archer in late 2013 about the ongoing effort to lure her investment and get a bank account open for Baturina.


"If you have to sleep with her, do it for the team," Galanis implored.


Baturina, the wife of former Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov, became Russia's first female billionaire through her real estate empire before corruption allegations against her in Moscow in 2011 forced her to move to London.


In London, she became a prominent philanthropist and has always denied wrongdoing.


The emails reviewed by Just the News show Archer's business associates were aware of the controversies surrounding Baturina before they pursued the business relationship with her.


For instance, Galanis in November 2013 sent Bevan Cooney a link to Baturina's Wikipedia profile and quickly followed up with a 2011 Daily Mail article about her recent money and legal problems. The headline read: "Police raid offices of Russia's richest woman in £270m fraud probe — but has she fled to London?"


Less than three weeks later, Archer informed Cooney and Galanis that he was meeting with Baturina in New York.


By Jan. 3, 2014, Galanis informed Archer that Baturina might have issues with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations known as "know your customer" (or "KYC") rules which require financial institutions to perform due diligence on prospective new clients.


Galanis wrote Archer he knew someone who can serve as a "go between" to help Baturina place her money in a J.P. Morgan account with the goal of investing in Burnham Asset Management (BAM) and Burnham Securities Inc. (BSI).

Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.11669655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9721 >>9864 >>9944 >>0060

Denver Business Owner: Dominion’s Eric Coomer Is an Unhinged Sociopath — His Internet Profile Is Being Deleted and Erased


In 2010 Eric Coomer joined Dominion as Vice President of U.S. Engineering. According to his bio, Coomer graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics.


Eric Coomer was later promoted to Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and Security at Dominion. Coomer has since been removed from the Dominion page of directors.


In fact, in our interview with Denver native Joe Oltmann, Eric Coomer’s presence is being SCRUBBED FROM THE INTERNET!


The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Denver business owner Joe Oltmann on Sunday. Oltmann, the founder of FEC (Faith Education Commerce) United, revealed how he infiltrated Antifa and how during a conversation with Antifa members, he discovered “Eric from Dominion” was allegedly part of the chat during the week of September 27, 2020.


Oltmann told TGP that “Eric” was telling the Antifa members they needed to “keep up the pressure.” When one of the caller’s on a September group call asked, “Who’s Eric?” someone answered, “Eric, he’s the Dominion guy.”


Oltmann said that as the conversation continued, someone asked, “What are we gonna do if Fcking Trump wins?” Oltmann paraphrased how Eric (the Dominion guy) responded, “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made fcking sure of that!”


Oltmann, who runs a Denver data company, started to investigate “Eric from Dominion,” following the call and came upon Eric Coomer.


Oltmann admitted that it didn’t make sense that Eric Coomer would be the Antifa member on the call and that at the time, he knew nothing about Dominion Voting Systems.


It wasn’t until after he started hearing about Dominion Voting Systems in the news following the election that he remembered the remarks made by “Eric from Dominion” on the Antifa chat.


Oltmann began digging into Eric Coomer, trying to find anything he could about him. Oltmann finally hit gold when he was able to (legally) access what he claims is Dominion VP, Eric Coomer’s Facebook page.


Joe Oltmann said he never saw such hate and vitriol coming from someone who has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics. Oltmann explained to Malkin that Coomer actually re-posted the Antifa manifesto to President Trump on his Facebook page.


Oltmann told The Gateway Pundit he believes Eric Coomer is mentally ill and a sociopath. Coomer plays the corporate executive during the day and an unhinged Trump hater and Antifa supporter in his private life.


The Gateway Pundit posted a copy of that Antifa letter to Trump in a previous report that Coomer posted on his Facebook page before it was taken down.


Joe Oltmann was removed from Twitter last week after he exposed Eric Coomer from Dominion.



Anonymous ID: fd298f Nov. 16, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.11669695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China censors its own Netizens who debate alleged U.S. election fraud because Beijing wants Biden in power


In many ways, Big Tech social media behemoths in the United States operate exactly the same way their Chinese counterparts do, with one notable difference.


Beijing’s authoritarian Communist regime actively monitors and censors content and posts it finds detrimental to government control.


In the U.S., our tech giants self-censor their own platforms for content and posts they find detrimental to Democrat government control.


In recent days, as the presidential race in the U.S. remained officially undecided — yes, ‘media outlets’ have called it for Joe Biden, but that’s not official and besides, the Trump campaign is challenging obvious voter fraud — Netizens in China debated and discussed the potential outcome.


In particular, online users in China were debating whether or not vote fraud had taken place, but they recently found out that those discussions were censored by the government.


The Epoch Times reported:


One user on WeChat, China’s most popular social media platform, said he was banned from chatting within certain groups and had limited access to the Moments feature, which allows users to post text, photo, or video updates.


The user, who wished to remain anonymous, told The Epoch Times the app informed him that his posts “were suspected of delivering vicious rumors or other illegitimate content.


Liu Hua, a survivor of communist China’s labor camp system, said there has been heated debate online over who would ultimately be the winner of the presidential race.


Her WeChat account was blocked after she posted messages and articles about President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.


“Why are they so afraid?” Liu asked, according to the outlet.


Easy: Joe Biden is China’s choice for U.S. president.


Fox News’ Tucker Carlson noted this during his opening monologue on Thursday.


“This week, the state-run Communist Party newspaper in China, ‘The People’s Daily’ celebrated Joe Biden’s ascendance by mocking the sitting President. ‘Ha-ha,’ the paper tweeted, along with a laughing emoji as the news networks called it for Biden,” Carlson said.


“There was deep relief to see this in China. The markets corrected, too. On Election Day, markets in China crashed when returns showed Donald Trump leading in the swing states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin,” he continued.


“The Chinese currency plunged. More than one full percent, 1.4 actually, against the dollar early Wednesday morning. It was the largest single-day drop in nearly three years when they thought Trump was going to get re-elected. And then when the news changed, that changed, too. Chinese markets immediately recovered when votes started coming in for Joe Biden. Was there a connection? You bet there was,” said Carlson.


Remember that Donald Trump, the GOP nominee, pledged to ‘get tough with China’ and renegotiate trade arrangements between our countries because our massive, decades-long trade deficit with the Asian giant was fueling its rise and aggression against out country.


And Trump had largely succeeded, through get-tough policies, demands for parity and tariffs.


Then COVID-19 hit; and now, he’s faced with losing the White House.


At the same time, “China Joe” Biden and his son Hunter have extensive business contacts in China — contacts and business deals with China state-run banks and other firms that, again, our big tech giants suppressed and censored throughout the final weeks of the campaign so that Americans could not learn that one of their presidential contenders is a huge national security risk.


And now it may be too late.


Our founding fathers were not naïve enough to believe that a government of, for, and by the people would never be subject to corruption. But they clearly believed that the checks and balances they painstakingly crafted would be enough to keep it at bay.


They were wrong but not because ‘the system’ wasn’t set up properly; they likely believed that We the People would never abide by such open, blatant corruption — and so far anyway, we are.