Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.11670987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Pentagon senior adviser accused Pompeo and senior politicians of taking money and getting rich from ‘the Israeli lobby’


A new senior adviser at the Pentagon repeatedly said the United States’ support for Israel was the result of “Israeli lobby” money and accused prominent officials, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, of becoming “very very rich,” from their support for Israel.


Retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor, who was appointed as senior adviser to newly installed acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller this week, made the comments in two media appearances in 2012 and 2019.


“You have to look at the people that donate to those individuals,” Macgregor said in a September 2019 interview when asked if then-national security adviser John Bolton and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham wanted war with Iran. “Mr. Bolton has become very, very rich and is in the position he’s in because of his unconditional support for the Israeli lobby. He is their man on the ground, in the White House.”


“The same thing is largely true for Mr. Pompeo, he has aspirations to be president,” he added. “He has his hands out for money from the Israeli lobby, the Saudis and others.”


An outspoken critic of American foreign policy and “endless” wars, Macgregor also said the Israel lobby has “enormous influence” on Congress and accused the lobby of wanting to instigate “military strikes” with Iran in a 2012 interview with the Russian-state media network RT.


“I think the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and it’s subordinate elements or affiliated elements that represent enormous quantities of money that over many years have cultivated an enormous influence in power in Congress,” he said. “I think you’ve got a lot of people on the Hill who fall into two categories. One category that is interested in money and wants to be reelected, and they don’t want to run the risk of the various lobbies that are pushing military action against Iran to contribute money to their opponents.”


Politicians in the past have been criticized by Jewish groups for linking support to Israel to money. Last year, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted that politicians’ support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins.” Omar apologized for some of those comments, which the Anti-Defamation League said were “promoting the ugly, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Jews have an outsized influence over politics.”


Macgregor did not respond to requests for comment. The Department of Defense spokesperson referred CNN to a statement sent earlier this week confirming Macgregor’s appointment and that his “decades of military experience will be used to assist in the continued implementation of the President’s national security priorities.”


Bolton, through a spokesman, said, “I don’t respond to anti-Semites.” The State Department declined to comment on behalf of Pompeo.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:21 p.m. No.11671001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Senior Trump Official: Politicians Get ‘Very Rich’ by Supporting Israel


Senior U.S. Defense official Douglas Macgregor, who was recently installed at the Pentagon by partisan loyalists of President Donald Trump, has come under fire for saying that American politicians become “very, very rich” by supporting Israel, with pro-Israeli organizations calling his remarks “antisemitic.”


In 2019, Washington was rattled after Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) virtually made the exact same remark, tweeting that support for Israel in the United States was “all about the Benjamins,” referring to Benjamin Franklin, whose image appears on $100 bills.


Omar was denounced by members of Congress from both parties, and was accused of spreading antisemitism by Jewish American organizations, as well as by Trump.


However, as of Saturday morning, leading Republican senators, who denounced Omar’s comments almost immediately in 2019, had all remained silent about Macgregor’s comments.


Macgregor, a retired Army Col., went even further than Omar, bluntly claiming that politicians who support Israel are only driven by money, and that the pro-Israeli lobby in the U.S. is trying to drag America into war.


Macgregor was appointed adviser to Trump’s new acting secretary of defense, Christopher Miller. His appointment is part of a purge of professional, non-partisan leaders in the Department of Defense, and their replacement by fervent Trump loyalists, which has been taking place since Trump was projected to have lost the presidential election to Joe Biden last week.


Macgregor’s remarks regarding the influence of the pro-Israeli lobby in the U.S. were first reported on Friday by CNN. The network quoted an interview Macgregor gave last year, in which he said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo “has his hands out for money from the Israeli lobby, the Saudis and others.”

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.11671023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1073 >>1393 >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

GOP Congressman Andy Biggs Requests 100% Audit of Maricopa County, Arizona Ballots


Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) on Monday requested a 100% audit of Maricopa County, Arizona ballots.


“Americans and Arizonans must have full confidence in our election processes and systems in order to maintain the bedrock of our constitutional republic. Although Arizona conducts elections with far more transparency and accountability than other states, there have been some issues raised about the integrity of some of our election systems within the state. For this reason, I am calling on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to go above and beyond to assure the public of the integrity of Maricopa County’s elections. Let’s leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of accountability and transparency,” Biggs said in a statement.


Biggs sent a letter to Chairman Hickman and members of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors:


More than 3.2 million ballots were cast for the presidential election in Arizona, with more than 63 percent of those cast in Maricopa County. Yet hundreds of voters in Maricopa County have signed affidavits alleging their ballots cast in the November 3 election may have been discounted. Every voter has the right to know that his or her ballot was accurately tabulated.


Arizona state law sets out various mechanisms to root out fraud and protect the integrity of the results. While the election margins may not be narrow enough to trigger a recount, you are permitted to conduct a 100 percent manual audit. State law requires a manual audit of a minimum number of ballots cast, both those cast early and those cast in-person on election day (A.R.S. § 16-602(B), (F)). The law does not, however, impose a ceiling on the number of ballots that may be manually audited. Maricopa County has full authority to require a 100 percent audit of ballots cast, allowing tabulators to review ballot images and compare the results to current totals.


The narrow margin that currently exists between the two presidential candidates, together with questions regarding anomalies and potential errors, is more than enough reasoning to conduct a manual audit of ballot images. A manual audit of ballot images will provide full transparency of Maricopa County’s election results. This will ameliorate concerns voters have expressed, will tamp down rumors, and will assuage the concerns of non-Arizonans calling our election results into question. Please use your statutory authority to compel the County Recorder to commence and complete a manual audit of ballot images. Thank you for your leadership and consideration.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:26 p.m. No.11671056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

UK Health Study Found 26,000 “Extra” Non-COVID Deaths At Home Amid Lockdowns


BBC recently reported some shocking statistics regarding UK health, but which will perhaps come as no surprise to those critics who warned that far-reaching national lockdowns would cause other unseen adverse effects:


Compared with normal years, there have been more deaths at home from a number of major causes, including cancers and respiratory diseases, during the last six months.


The latest analysis published by Britain’s Office for National Statistics found that more than 26,000 “extra” deaths occurred in private homes this year, while simultaneously hospital deaths have been lower than usual.


“More men than normal are dying at home from heart disease in England and Wales, and more women are dying from dementia and Alzheimer’s, figures show,” the report says.


The figures had been issued just ahead of European officials in Germany, France, and Italy contemplating ‘severe’ extended measures that could last as long as four to five months, as Germany is now said to be mulling.


The BBC report further cited Alzheimer’s charity groups as lamenting the “heartbreaking” and devastating hidden adverse impact of both stay-at-home orders and social distancing measures, particularly on elderly men.


Deaths attributable to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease at home are on a major upward trajectory while being down in hospitals, strongly suggesting that more people with life-threatening but treatable diseases are simply avoiding professional medical services for fear of COVID-19 or possibly on fear of violating social distancing measures or travel bans.


The report found that hospital deaths that were dementia-related were down by 40% in England and 25% in Wales.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.11671067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1393 >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Alaska’s Senator Sullivan Has a Choice to Make: Vote For Trump’s FCC Nominee or Bow to Big Tech


Last week, Revolver reported on Senator Marsha Blackburn’s obstruction of crucial anti-Big Tech FCC nominee Nathan Simington. Blackburn constantly postures as a foe of Big Tech, so why, we asked, was she standing in the way of President Trump’s nomination? Just a few hours after Revolver’s piece went live, Blackburn flipped, announcing that she will happily back Simington’s confirmation in a coming vote.


Sen. @MarshaBlackburn "looks forward to voting for Nathan Simington," President Trump's nominee for the FCC, her chief of staff tells me, dispelling any concerns on where she stands


Simington still requires a committee and floor vote by year's end, which is fast approaching


— John Hendel (@JohnHendel) November 13, 2020


With Blackburn’s endorsement, sources tell Revolver that only one Republican still stands in the way of Simington’s likely confirmation: Alaska Republican Dan Sullivan.


Blackburn explained her hesitation by citing (thankfully unjustified) concerns about Simington’s experience and preparedness. Sullivan, in contrast, has avoided publicly commenting on Simington. One likely reason is that his concerns aren’t really related to Simington at all. Instead, Sullivan has been in a running feud with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai for most of the the Trump Administration.


In 2018, Sullivan held up the confirmations of current FCC commissioners Brendan Carr and Geoffrey Starks to express his displeasure over the FCC’s handling of subsidies for rural telemedicine services. Two years later, Sullivan was still at it.


Revolver won’t bore readers with the details of what Sullivan wants. His goals are far more substantive than Blackburn’s, but that doesn’t make them a valid reason to block one of President Trump’s most important nominees. If Sullivan thinks that blocking Simington’s confirmation will get him what he wants, he is sorely mistaken.


If Simington’s nomination expires and Donald Trump’s legal challenges fail to reverse the outcome of the presidential election, then President Biden will get to make his own appointment in Simington’s place. If the Georgia Senate runoffs are won by Democrats, Biden won’t even have to placate a Republican-controlled Senate. In that worst-case scenario, a Democratic President will be sending nominees through a Democratic Senate. Those nominees won’t be worried about pleasing Dan Sullivan.


If there is one thing the Democratic Party has made clear time and time again in 2020, it’s that it has turned its back on the rural areas and working class voters that were once a core part of its coalition. The odds that Joe Biden’s FCC appointee will be deeply concerned with sending money to the rural areas of a red state are slim to non-existent.


Sullivan’s obstinance is even stranger, since he has no reason to believe Simington is hostile to his priorities. At his hearing, Simington repeatedly expressed support for telemedicine and rural broadband development. There is no evidence he is a dogmatic libertarian opposed to using taxpayer funds to uplift poorer areas. In many ways, he seems like the ideal appointee of the Trump Era; a conservative not afraid to use government to achieve results for regular people.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.11671088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1150 >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Facebook and Twitter Continue Censorship Campaign Against President Trump


As President Donald Trump continues to raise questions about the presidential election and the media’s election predictions, the social media Masters of the Universe have continued to label the President’s posts with”fact-checks” to lower their engagement and viral spread.


Breitbart News has reported extensively on social media websites increasing their censorship leading up to the 2020 Presidential election. Twitter stated last week that it put labels on 300,000 user posts from October 27 to November 11 for violating rules related to election misinformation. Twitter also implemented a retweet feature that required users to add their own comments before retweeting a post on the platform.


Between election day and Friday of last week, Twitter labeled around 34 percent of President Trump’s tweets and retweets as “disputed.” Breitbart News has reported extensively on this, noting recently that 25 of President Trump’s posts across Twitter and Facebook were labeled or disputed within 24 hours.


One recent tweet by President Trump in which he declares that he won the recent election was labeled by Twitter, stating that “official sources” had predicted the election differently:


I won the Election!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


When clicking the label, the page that Twitter redirects users to includes what it considers “official sources” such as NBC News, the Associated Press, and a tweet from Democratic candidate Joe Biden and his Vice President pick Kamala Harris in which they appear to declare victory:


Folks, the people of this nation have spoken.


They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory.


A victory for “We the People.”


— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) November 8, 2020


We did it, @JoeBiden.


— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 7, 2020


President Trump has called for investigations into allegations of voter fraud in multiple states with the election yet to be officially called for either candidate. Many of the President’s tweets about the election were also marked as “disputed” by Twitter:


Georgia won’t let us look at the all important signature match. Without that the recount is MEANINGLESS. Open up unconstitutional Consent Decree, NOW! @BrianKempGA


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


The Radical Left Democrats, working with their partner, the Fake News Media, are trying to STEAL this Election. We won’t let them!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


The Fake recount going on in Georgia means nothing because they are not allowing signatures to be looked at and verified. Break the unconstitutional Consent Decree!


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


Breitbart News will continue to report on attempts by the Big Tech Masters of the Universe to censor the President and other conservative users.


Twitter’s labeling of content has become something of a meme due to multiple clear statements being labeled as disputed, some of the best memes have been compiled by Breitbart News here.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:30 p.m. No.11671094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1445 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Jim Jordan: ‘Don’t Cancel Thanksgiving’; Instead, ‘Cancel Lockdowns’



Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a pointed message to leaders imposing coronavirus restrictions on Americans ahead of the holiday season, urging them to “cancel lockdowns” rather than Thanksgiving and Christmas.


“Don’t cancel Thanksgiving. Don’t cancel Christmas. Cancel lockdowns,” the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee said:


Don’t cancel Thanksgiving.

Don’t cancel Christmas.


Cancel lockdowns.


— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) November 16, 2020


His short but clear message follows attempts by Democrat leaders across the country to impose additional coronavirus restrictions on Americans — even in their private residences — ahead of the holiday season.


Last week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) announced new restrictions, forcing bars, restaurants, and gyms to close at 10:00 p.m. His order also placed a ten-person limit at indoor and outdoor events at private residences. The Democrat leader, who recently said he would have “decked” President Trump if not for his status as the governor of New York, pressed local governments to enforce his orders.


“The rules are only as good as the enforcement. Local governments are in charge of enforcement. There are only two fundamental truths in this situation: it’s individual discipline and it’s government enforcement. Period. End of sentence,” he said.


“I need the local governments to enforce this,” he added.


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) has been the most explicit in her orders, issuing a stay-at-home advisory and instructing Chicagoans to “stop having guests over” and to “cancel traditional Thanksgiving plans”:


– Stay home unless for essential reasons

– Stop having guests over—including family members you do not live with

– Avoid non-essential travel

– Cancel traditional Thanksgiving plans


— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) November 12, 2020


EFFECTIVE MONDAY: I'm issuing a Stay-at-Home Advisory asking all Chicagoans to only leave their homes for essential needs, including work and school. More info ➡️ #ProtectChicago


— Mayor Lori Lightfoot (@chicagosmayor) November 12, 2020


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) joined fellow Democrat leaders in imposing further mandates, announcing the “retightening” of restrictions in the Garden State, limiting indoor groups to ten people and outdoor events to 150.


Despite their insistence that the lockdowns and restrictions are morally sound, several Democrats who have championed restrictions have a history of violating their own purported beliefs, as Breitbart News listed.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:34 p.m. No.11671145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1198 >>1239

Cancel mob comes for Disney star after she dares question the election results on social media


You knew it was coming


Much of social media called for Disney to fire "Star Wars: The Mandalorian" star Gina Carano on Saturday after she had the audacity to question the election results over the weekend.


Carano, a former MMA fighter turned Disney star, shared a meme on Twitter featuring two blindfolded men. The caption said, "BREAKING NEWS: Democratic government leaders now recommends we all wear blindfolds along with masks so we can't see what's really going on."

— Gina Carano 🕯 (@Gina Carano 🕯)1605408708.0


Following her tweet, hashtag #FireGinaCarano began trending on the social media platform. Many users using the hashtag also copied Disney's streaming service on the demand.


At the time of this reporting, Carano's tweet has been liked more than 32,000 times.


In response to the meme, one user wrote, "It's really disgusting how [Star Wars actors] John Boyega and Kelly Marie Tran were viciously attacked by racist and sexist people, resulting in reduced roles and zero support from Disney, and Gina Carano gets a major role while associating herself with those very same people. #FireGinaCarano."


Another added, "Gina has has gone all in crazy. That's okay though, i just don't want to see it. @Disney #FireGinaCarano."


"Woah, Gina this is extremely irresponsible. If you are referring to the election, there is no proof of any fraud. If you at referring to mask wearing, we should be doing that and if we all did it we would be able to go outside sooner," yet another user railed.

What else?


Prior to the offending tweet, Carano appeared to call into question the results of the 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.


In a Nov. 5 tweet, Carano wrote, "We need to clean up the election process so we are not left feeling the way we do today. Put laws in place that protect us against voter fraud. Investigate every state. Film the counting. Flush out the fake votes. Require ID. Make Voter Fraud end in 2020. Fix the system."


We need to clean up the election process so we are not left feeling the way we do today. Put laws in place that pro…

— Gina Carano 🕯 (@Gina Carano 🕯)1604593107.0

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:40 p.m. No.11671220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1383 >>1420 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Report: President Trump’s Legal Team Summoned to White House for Emergency Meeting.


President Trump’s legal team was summoned to the White House Monday for a 2 p.m. meeting, according to a report by Newsmax White House correspondent Emerald Robinson.


Anchor Heather Childers: “Well the President’s legal team, we’re being told right now, breaking news for you, they’ve all been summoned to an emergency meeting at the White House at this hour right now.”


Robinson, “…Yes, Newsmax was told that the legal team was summoned to the White House for a 2 p.m. meeting. However I will tell you that the White House is not confirming such a meeting.”


Trump campaign statement on Pennsylvania referenced by Robinson at end of video clip.




On Sunday night, the Washington Post ran a complete mischaracterization of the Trump campaign’s litigation in Pennsylvania, erroneously claiming the campaign had dropped the claim of nearly 700,000 ballots processed illegally and in secret. The campaign did no such thing. In fact, because of a Friday ruling by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in an unrelated case, the campaign strategically decided to restructure its lawsuit to rely on claims of violations of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The claim that 682,479 ballots were improperly processed and counted is still very much part of the suit.


Paragraph 4 of the amended filing reads: “Allegheny and Philadelphia Counties alone received and processed 682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots without review by the political parties and candidates. These are unprecedented numbers in Pennsylvania’s elections history. Rather than engaging in an open and transparent process to give credibility to Pennsylvania’s brand-new voting system, the processes were hidden during the receipt, review, opening, and tabulation of those 682,479 votes.” See also paragraphs 132-150.


References to the improperly counted ballots are repeated throughout the filing, with paragraph 150 specifically stating that all factual allegations in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated within the Equal Protection claim.


“We are still arguing that 682,479 ballots were counted illegally, in secret,” said Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director. “Our poll watchers were denied meaningful access to watch the vote counting and we still incorporate that claim in our complaint. Unfortunately, fake news activists rushed to print their clickbait headlines, apparently without even reading the lawsuit. That’s lazy journalism at best, but more likely intentionally misleading.”


Rudy Giuliani, personal attorney to President Trump and coordinator of the campaign’s legal strategy, said, “It’s routine for attorneys to file amended complaints to tighten the claims. We simplified the suit so it is more focused and narrowed. This is part of the process. Clearly the reporters at Washington Post have a reading deficit.”

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.11671286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1483 >>1562 >>1697 >>1737

Francisco Sagasti Elected Head of Congress of Peru, Can Now Temporarily Assume Presidential Seat


Earlier, the Peruvian Congress was not able to determine the new president of the country at an emergency assembly, and other candidates were presented for today's meeting.


Congressman Francisco Sagasti was elected head of the Peruvian Congress, which gives him the right to temporarily take the seat of the country's president, the voting results showed on Monday.


Mirta Vasquez was elected the first vice-speaker of the Congress, and she will become the head of the Congress after Sagasti takes the main post of the country.


Earlier, the Congress failed to appoint a new president of the country, and other candidates were presented for today's meeting.


On Sunday, the government of Peruvian interim President Manuel Merino, who had only been in power for a few days, resigned after it was revealed that two people were killed while dispersing anti-government protests.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:11 p.m. No.11671588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1644

CDC meeting to make a list of who gets vaccines first. Members will define 'essential workers,' decide which underlying conditions merit shots.


They were supposed to do this months ago


The media, government, American public, and U.S. stock market have been enthused about recent reports of new, effective vaccines making their way through drug trials thanks in large part to Operation Warp Speed.


With a hoped-for vaccine available in the coming weeks, the question now becomes: Who gets it first?


According to a new report from CNN, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will be creating a list of who will be first in line next week — something that was supposed to be done months ago.

What's this now?


Last week, Pfizer announced that it had developed a vaccine that had a 90% effectiveness rate. Stocks soared on the news as the media and politicians from both parties — from President Donald Trump to former Vice President Joe Biden — hyped the apparent success.


Then on Friday, the Trump administration declared that 20 million Americans will get the new vaccine by the end of December. And another 25 million to 30 million vaccines would be available per month after that.


And on Monday, Moderna revealed it had created a vaccine that is reportedly 94.5% effective.


The company said it expects to have about 20 million doses of its vaccine available to the public by the end of the year, and another 500 million to 1 billion doses available globally in 2021.


With these tens of millions of vaccine doses allegedly set to be available in a matter of weeks for a U.S. population of 330 million, who will be deciding who gets the vaccine?


CNN reported Monday that the CDC will meet Monday, Nov. 23, to create a list of who gets to have the vaccine first and who has to wait.


"Members of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices," CNN said, "received notice last week that they'll meet Nov. 23 for five hours."


In that meeting, CDC officials will create their priority list, committee member Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told CNN.


According to Schaffner, heath care workers and "essential workers" will be among the first to get the vaccine, followed by those considered "high risk," including people over 65 and those with underlying conditions.


"Health care workers are baked in — that's the first thing to happen, no doubt about that," he told the outlet.


So, which workers are considered "essential"?


That's something the CDC will get to decide, apparently.


What about "underlying conditions"? Which ones will merit a vaccination?


The CDC will get to decide that, too.


This list was something the CDC was expected to have decided months ago, CNN said, but it did not.

Anonymous ID: eb95d5 Nov. 16, 2020, 1:15 p.m. No.11671645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1697 >>1737

McEnany to Levin: Democrat Officials Redesigned the Election to Prop Up Joe Biden


Kayleigh McEnany told Mark Levin on Sunday that Democrat secretaries of state redesigned elections across the nation in an effort to prop up candidate Joe Biden. In an appearance on Life, Liberty, and Levin, McEnany said, “These Democrat secretaries of state, I can’t express enough, Mark, what they have done …. They were consistently misrepresenting their opinion, changing deadlines, designing a system to prop up Democrats and Joe Biden.”


McEnany, the White House press secretary who also advises President Trump’s reelection campaign, said the allegations of election fraud deserve to be heard in the courts. She detailed allegations of software issues, intimidation and assault of poll workers, and changed ballot deadlines in violation of state law.


“For decades in these Democrat-run cities, they have designed a system that no one has challenged, where it has been rife with fraud,” McEnany said. “I have hundreds of pages of affidavits right here from Michigan alone, where they saw piles of ballots going through machines multiple times, where they saw that a name was not matched with voter records, they were just logged in with the date of birth of January 1, 1900, example after example.”


“This is an old system, an old, fraudulent system,” she continued. “It took this president winning new states like Pennsylvania and Michigan to challenge the old system. But more than even the instances of fraud we found, back in September we saw Democrat secretaries of state around this country redesigning election systems. Flouting the legislatures who, under Article I, Section 4 [of the Constitution] have the power to determine the time, manner, and place of elections. Redesigning election systems.”


McEnany attacked the practice of mass-mailing absentee ballots, saying, “Our lawyers described it to me like this. It was like sending live ammunition out across the country that was intended to be used in a fraudulent manner. Make no mistake, it was.”


“We found quite a bit in just seven-plus days,” McEnany said. “People willing to put it in writing, in their own handwriting, put their name down, sign their name with a notary present, and give sworn testimony under penalty of perjury. What is remarkable is the consistency with which the affidavits read. One young woman called the c-word. Another one of our poll watchers, who was a man of Chinese descent, being yelled at, ‘Why are you here? You’re not an American.’ And when he said, ‘I am an American,’ he was shouted down for five minutes. These people deserve to be heard.”


In his monologue prior to interviewing McEnany, Levin excoriated Barack Obama for saying on 60 Minutes that the Trump campaign’s electoral challenges undermine our democracy. “I want to say something to President Obama …. don’t you damn lecture us. For four damn years, the FBI was involved in trying to undermine this president. They tried to remove this president from office. A phony criminal investigation. A phony impeachment. You dragged the American people through the dirt, because you wouldn’t accept democracy. You wouldn’t accept the Constitution of the United States. And now everybody is supposed to roll over.”


On the issue of electoral malfeasance, Levin said, “None of this is about good governance. They are enshrining and institutionalizing fraud!”


“They’re the ones undermining our democracy!” Levin concluded. “They’re the ones announcing how they’re going to destroy our constitution!”


You can watch the full segment with Kayleigh McEnany and Mark Levin at this link.