Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:02 p.m. No.11673584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645

>>11673405 (pb)

>Christians invoking the consecration of their maker filled this land with abundance and peace


>god chose a PRAYING man…not a Christian.


Yes the Kikes subverted but guess who FUCKING HELD THEIR HAND and HELPED them?


American Christians drove the "jews are chosen" "support Israel" no matter what the kikes did. Literally it is the Christians that killed this nation because not a single person could ever get elected unless they support Israel. 55 MILLION American Christians drove America's foreign policy decisions. All a candidate ever had to do was say "god, Israel, pray" and BOOM you fuckers were on board.


EVEN TRUMP–if he had not appeared to love Israel you fuckers would never have voted for him. Had he called out Israel for what it IS before he SHOWED them what it is, he would never have been elected.


THIS SHIT is the fault of RELIGION driving decision making.


Look how easy the Jewish Communists got Christians on board with attacking Germany…using LIES…WOE TO US JEWS, HALP US…and the fucking Christians fell right in line.


Tell me, in Samuel Untemeyer's speech to CHRISTIANS in 1933, what was the reason he claimed that American Christians needed to support the Jewish call for boycotting Germany. What, what exactly had Hitler done in Germany to the Jews in 1933? Do you even know?


Was Samuel Untemeyer psycic? Get off this place and go search on your favorite alternative video streaming site for EUROPA. Watch it. Then fucking repent for what you have stupidly done to the world for your unwavering support for Israel.


Then, any christian, please…please answer this…

==how hard is it to be the chosen of god when you write the book choosing you, yourself?"


Then research what Jesus actually said about them and at no fucking time did Jesus ever claim jewish superiority and chosen-ness and still the Christians cannot fucking help themselves.


Christians did NOT make America. That's the most insane stupid ass lie that is used. PEOPLE who wanted to be free, people who wanted to grow their possibilities, people who wanted to explore—innovate, are what made America. Not fucking "burn the witch" Christians. Ridiculous superstitions. KEK Q kept you fuckers busy on the OUTRAGEOUS (IE the child trafficking and pedos) and kept your focus on "COULD IT BE SATAN" while the rest of us were out digging the bigger picture.


You are so frightened of anything outside your limited capacity to view the natural world that even epileptics used to be burnt at the stake for being filled with the devil.

Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:05 p.m. No.11673614   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>it does fullfill prophecy




Your hamartia, as usual is believing YOU and you alone (Christians) are the only source of light.


That, and not realizing that the moment YOU lot get too much power you will start persecuting others who don't believe like you do.



Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.11673712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11673384 (PB)

>Christians know what the difference is.

>if you knew, you'd be a Christian yourself.

>and we don't condemn you for not knowing.

KEK the arrogance.


Born-raised right wing baptist fundamentalist had the bible memorized by the time I was 12. Go ahead, take me on. There's a reason I'm not "christian" anymore. See your post.


LOL Q is AI, a quantum computer, running data and helping the human posters correlated data and numbers to help retards understand that all this time they thought they were free, the prison walls were actually closing around them.


I love how they ignored Q for so long. Q made them comfy. Trust Wray….kek. retards fell for it. When did they finally realize Q was for real? when the MSM started calling it a cult. By then, it was too late.


good, good.

Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:15 p.m. No.11673741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11673348 (PB)

>LARPing is not a job


Oh, sweet summer child. Keep fucking around, you'll find out. Data, whether from burner phones or not, leaves a two-way data trail.


What is a trail?

Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.11673804   🗄️.is 🔗kun




When Christians own their shit and take responsibility for handing Israel so much power to continue their decimation of the world, then maybe there is redemption.


BTW KIKE panic much? afraid the only people on earth that have supported you mindlessly will wake up and realize they've been used?


KEK wait until they find out about WWI and WWII and the fucking LIES that were used to subdue Hitler.


See, Jews follow a program. Push, push, push—until people get fed up and fight back. THEN they "cry out in pain".


Over and over and over.


Christians were used to whip up frenzy against Germany pre WWI. Instead of answering my post you went back to the old dog whistle.


Please Christians, it is YOUR DUTY to wake up to this. Dig up Europa and be brave enough to watch it. Then YOU will cry out in pain and say NEVER AGAIN. I promise you—this is going to fuck you up bad. Truth is coming. Wake up.

Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.11673851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3893


KEK. Did they think they could keep it a sekrit? Three people can keep a sekrit if 2 of them are dead.


Also Tim is not explaining it correctly. He doesn't really understand because he's poorly educated. It was a march to a new form of Communism and Technocracy.


The misunderstanding of National Socialism is the driver. The kikes did a great job making sure no one ever looks into the policies and function of National Socialism and shut conversations down by immediately screaming NAZI so you don't go and look.


What IS national socialism?


Watch Europa and find out.


Even people who claim to be intelligent don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Anonymous ID: 56dff5 Nov. 16, 2020, 4:42 p.m. No.11674038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4137


No, I do think it is educational ignorance and 100% absolute terror of actually ignoring the kike "it's illegal to question us" bullshit. It's been ingrained in people their entire lives.


Talk about willfully ignorant—how long is it going to take for Christians to accept their part in the rise of this shit by their unwavering "muh chosen" support for Israel no matter what Israel did. DIRECTLY going against what Jesus told them about the Jews.


People are afraid to LOOK. They've been so effectively terrorized into accepting narratives –but they eventually MUST look. Or we're going to end up right back in the same spot.


Everyone needs to look. But it is American Christians that have driven US foreign policy toward Israel which is, of course, exactly what they want.


People can't just get a "little woke" they need to get all the way woke.


I was digging around on something yesterday and discovered this. How convenient.


Tell me major wars aren't planned again….when people actually learn the truth


and it

won't be for everyone, it is their choice to know


this knowledge is what Q was talking about. KNOWING this knowing how completely you've been lied to, history manipulated as well as news..their entire lives?


it very well might put

99% of people in the hospital


This lot thinks its satanic shit….KEK. They are too terrified to look at Europa but have zero problems begging to see FrazzledRip.


One has been killing the world for centuries, the other is two evil people doing sick shit.


Which truth would literally break them? Europa.