Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.11674259   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4337 >>4536 >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4743 >>4905

Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump


Project Veritas has insiders in the Georgia recount that are catching votes wrongly attributed to Joe Biden.


“The second person was supposed to be checking it right, three times in three minutes she called out Biden,” the RNC monitor told Project Veritas. “The second auditor caught it and she said, “No, this is Trump.”


He continued, “Now, that’s just while I’m standing there. So, does the second checker catch it every time? But this lady in three times in three minutes from 2:09 to 2:12 she got three wrong.”


The RNC monitor told Project Veritas that the ballot counter became hostile toward him after he reported her to the elections officals.




Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ordered an audit and recount of all Georgia ballots, however officials are not checking signatures.


The statewide recount is still ongoing in several counties, the deadline for completion is 11:59 p.m. Wednesday.


On Monday it was revealed in Floyd County, Georgia over 2,600 votes were not counted due to a server error, allegedly by a Dominion tabulating machine.


The found votes reportedly favor President Trump almost two-to-one, cutting Joe Biden’s approximate 14,000 vote lead by about 800 votes.


Brad Raffensperger on Monday evening immediately called for the elections director to step down.


David Shafer, Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party said GOP observers are limited to one credentialed monitor for each ten counting tables.


“Congressman Doug Collins and I asked for a one to one ratio yesterday but our request was refused,” David Shafer said.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:02 p.m. No.11674270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4536 >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4743 >>4905

Trump administration preparing move to decrease Medicare drug prices


The action would reportedly involve Trump's "most favored-nation" proposal which involves decreasing costs based on prices paid by certain other countries.


The Trump administration is reportedly preparing a proposal to decrease some Medicare drug prices.


The action would involve Trump's "most favored-nation" proposal, which involves decreasing costs based on prices paid by certain other wealthy countries.


The president issued an executive order in September about this issue.


The Hill cited unnamed sources which said that although plans could change, the Trump administration is getting ready to take action to enact the concept as soon as this week. They said it could be an interim final rule, meaning that it would entail skipping aspects of the regulatory process, thus advancing quicker.


"Trump’s actions would be sure to set off a backlash from drug companies, possibly including lawsuits to try to stop the rule," according to The Hill.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.11674304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4562 >>4905

UK: £1 Billion Fraud Probe Delayed Again, Victims Left Uncompensated


Results from an internal investigation launched in 2017 into an alleged cover-up of a £1 billion (US$1.32 bn) fraud scandal dating back over a decade have been delayed again, and likely won’t be revealed until next year, the lead investigator wrote in a statement on Friday.


The probe examines whether executives of the London-based Lloyds Banking Group were aware of the fraud – one of the worst in Britain's history – when the bank made an acquisition in 2009 of HBOS, the company responsible for the scandal, and the UK’s largest mortgage lender at the time.


Dating back to at least 2003, HBOS left hundreds of small business owners in financial ruin, many of whom have reportedly not received adequate financial compensation.


When Lloyds Bank launched its review, it also committed £100 million ($132 million) to an estimated 64 customers affected by the scandal.


An independent assessment of the bank's compensation scheme, however, determined that its methodology and process “did not achieve the purpose of delivering fair and reasonable offers of compensation.”


In December of 2019, shortly after this finding, Lloyds Bank’s chief executive António Horta-Osório offered an apology, and stated his personal commitment "to ensuring that those customers affected by the actions of individuals who have since been jailed for their crimes will get their claims properly addressed in an open and transparent manner."


Nearly two years had passed since his bank first launched its independent review following the 2017 imprisonment of least six individuals – including one senior manager at HBOS – that are now in prison for siphoning millions, some of which they blew on sex parties and exotic foreign holidays.


Results from Lloyds Banks’ internal review, which are to be handed over to the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), were first reported to have been delayed in March of 2019.


Dame Linda Dobbs, the probe’s head independent legal expert, now says she aims to share the findings of her report “as expeditiously as possible” following its completion in the first half of 2021.


“My aim is to finish the review as speedily as possible. However, there can be no shortcuts if the investigation is to be thorough,” she said, citing constraints imposed by the government due to the COVID pandemic.


Lord Prem Sikka, a British accountant and academic, said on Twitter that the bank and the FCA have had “had plenty of time to act,” and that of the thousands of victims, some have already died, and others are in their 70’s.


“Justice delayed is justice denied,” he wrote, saying that the British financial regulator “has been missing in action.”

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:08 p.m. No.11674345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4743 >>4905

Photos: Colombian Navy Finds Rare Electric Mini-Submarine During Drug Raid


The find, made during a November 5 drug interdiction raid, contradicts the trend of drug smugglers using smaller submersibles in recent years. However, another similar vehicle was discovered in the area several years ago.


Earlier this month, officials from the Colombian Navy and US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) raided a boatyard in the Cucurrupí River basin on Colombia’s western coast and found a rare high-capacity submarine for smuggling drugs.


According to a news release by the Colombian Navy, the vessel had a cargo capacity of 6 tons. The raid was just one of several across the country resulting in the arrests of 11 accused drug smugglers.


#Cauca | Un semi sumergible eléctrico con valor de fabricación de 6 mil millones de pesos, capacidad para transportar seis (6) toneladas de droga fue decomisada en un operativo de las autoridades en el municipio de Timbiquí.

— Alertapopayan (@alertapopayan) November 8, 2020


​Compared to the typical seagoing smuggling vessels found by police, this one had nearly four times the carrying capacity and had batteries enabling it to truly submerge instead of simply riding very low on the water. According to USNI News, its batteries would have enabled the submarine to run underwater for as long as 12 hours, but it still would have been towed for most of the sea journey from Colombia to the United States.


While much larger than the typical drug-smuggling semi-submersible, which can carry 1.6 tons of cargo on average, this sub was not the largest ever found, either. In August, Colombian authorities reported they had discovered a mega-submersible capable of carrying 8 tons of cargo.


Another electric submarine was found in the same river in 2017 that could have carried four people and had a cargo capacity of 4 tons.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:09 p.m. No.11674356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4380 >>4393 >>4412 >>4414 >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4743 >>4905

Georgia Secretary Of State Lashes Out Over 'Baseless Allegations' Regarding Signature Mismatches, Dominion


Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, lashed out on Monday over 'baseless' accusations coming from President Trump and his allies, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), questioning the validity of ballots cast in the state, according to the Washington Post.



In a wide-ranging interview about the 2020 election, Raffensperger expressed exasperation with a string of baseless allegations coming from Trump and his allies about the integrity of the Georgia results, including claims that Dominion Voting Systems, the Colorado-based manufacturer of Georgia’s voting machines, is a “leftist” company with ties to Venezuela that engineered thousands of Trump votes not to be counted. -Washington Post


"Other than getting you angry, it’s also very disillusioning," said Raffensperger, who says both he and his wife have received death threats in recent days. "particularly when it comes from people on my side of the aisle. Everyone that is working on this needs to elevate their speech. We need to be thoughtful and careful about what we say," he added.


While the Post doesn't directly address it, the central issue regarding ballots is a March 'Consent Decree' enacted by Raffensperger and approved by Governor Brian Kemp, allowing for the 'curing' of ballots bearing signatures that don't match state records, but only through a complicated process. Previously, mismatched ballots would be invalidated.


The Consent Decree signed by the Georgia Secretary of State, with the approval of Governor @BrianKempGA, at the urging of @staceyabrams, makes it impossible to check & match signatures on ballots and envelopes, etc. They knew they were going to cheat. Must expose real signatures!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 14, 2020


Raffensperger has been accused in a new lawsuit of 'unilaterally, and without the approval or direction of the Georgia General Assembly,' changing the process for handling absentee ballots - authority which rests with the legislature and not the Secretary of State or the Judiciary, which would therefore invalidate improperly counted absentee ballots.


I filed a lawsuit today in federal court in Atlanta to establish that the March 6, 2020 Consent Agreement by the GA Secretary of State rendered UNLAWFUL the 11/3 GA general election.


I am right under established law.

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 13, 2020


Meanwhile, President Trump further knocked Georgia's ongoing recount of roughly five million votes, tweeting on Monday that without the 'all important signature match' the recount is 'MEANINGLESS.'


Georgia won’t let us look at the all important signature match. Without that the recount is MEANINGLESS. Open up unconstitutional Consent Decree, NOW! @BrianKempGA

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


The Fake recount going on in Georgia means nothing because they are not allowing signatures to be looked at and verified. Break the unconstitutional Consent Decree!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


And according to RealClearPolitics' Paul Sperry, Raffensperger didn't want to conduct a hand recount initially, but "wanted to just rescan the bar codes & be done with it."


BREAKING: Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger initially did not want to order a hand recount but "wanted to just rescan the bar codes & be done with it," said a source who discussed the recount w him. Under the state's new Dominion system, ballots r embedded in QR codes

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 16, 2020

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:12 p.m. No.11674385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4434 >>4474 >>4482 >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4743 >>4905

NEW FOOTAGE: BLM Activist Brandished Knife, Said ‘I Will Kill You’ Before Being KO’d


Agitator rushed Trump supporters with a knife and said "I will kill you!"


On Saturday, photographs circulated of a female Black Lives Matter matter protester lying unconscious in the street in Washington, D.C. following the Million MAGA March. While video and eyewitness reports from the scene confirmed that the woman was holding a knife, the exact sequence of events leading up to the knockout was unknown until Sunday, when footage of the full altercation surfaced.


In the video, a black woman wearing a “Black Lives Matter” flag can be seen attempting to drive a motorcycle through a small group of Trump supporters.


The protester with the knife can be seen in the background. She is wearing a motorcycle helmet, brandishing a reportedly stolen American flag staff, and refers to the female on the motorcycle as her wife. Multiple instances of flags stolen from rally attendees being wielded as weapons by Black Lives Matter and Antifa were recorded on Saturday.


Holding the knife blade-down in a stabbing posture, the agitator then charges several of the Trump supporters and raises the weapon as if to strike.


“Put that s**t away,” someone says, to which the armed agitator screams in response, “Don’t touch my wife or I will kill you.”


A man then steps in to and snatches the stolen flag from the agitator, and she momentarily drops the knife in the scuffle. After losing the flag pole, the agitator picks up the knife and moves towards the crowd, but a man wearing a Proud Boys shirt strikes her in the face with a helmet, knocking her unconscious.



New Video: Predator BLM with a blade. Wow, wild stuff.


— CIA-Simulation Warlord 🇺🇸🦈🇺🇸 (@zerosum24) November 15, 2020


As National File reported Saturday, onlookers then stepped in to remove the deadly weapon from the rioter’s clutches and hand it over to the authorities:


One BLM rioter wielding a knife was knocked unconscious for her trouble, and had to be assisted by the police.


READ MORE: UFC’s Jorge Masvidal Wants To Stand Guard At MAGA Events After Seeing BLM Attack Footage


Several left-wing Twitter pundits and BLM/Antifa activists attempted to claim the woman was simply protecting herself from racist “Poor Boys” – as Joe Biden calls them – but the footage released Sunday confirms eyewitness reports that the woman was charging bystanders with a knife while screaming murderous threats.


Conservative activists have also noted that unlike instances of Antifa and BLM surprise attacks on Trump supporters, the Proud Boys did not step in to kick the woman and inflict additional damage once the threat had been neutralized.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.11674431   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4714 >>4743 >>4798 >>4905

Twitter brings in notorious hacker who worked at Google and DARPA months after celebrity megahack


Twitter has hired famous hacker (and government contractor) Peiter Zatko, better known as ‘Mudge,’ to beef up its security months after bitcoin scammers hijacked dozens of celebrity accounts with employee help.


Zatko joined the social media behemoth as head of security on Monday and is expected to take over “key security functions” after a 45 to 60 day trial period, according to Reuters, which interviewed him about his new role. He will report directly to CEO Jack Dorsey and will reportedly be given a free hand to change security practices at the company.


Twitter suffered its largest-ever hack in July, when 130 high-profile accounts belonging to tech billionaires, politicians, and major corporations were commandeered by a group of scammers asking for bitcoin donations. Some 36 of those accounts had their DMs infiltrated, and the hackers managed to con $118,000 out of gullible celebrity followers before Twitter shut down the scam. Despite that little issue, however, the company didn’t hire Zatko just to work on information security and engineering.


Zatko’s remit will also include “platform integrity – which starts to touch on abuse and manipulation of the platform,” the star hacker told Reuters, adding that he was “committed to improving public conversations on Twitter.” He praised the recent redesign of the retweet function, which prompts users to add a comment instead of simply reposting, and suggested the platform take things one step further by “forc[ing] people to understand a long conversation before participating in it.”


Along with Facebook and YouTube, Twitter has worked itself into a lather over the past few months over “platform integrity,” terrified of being blamed for another “incorrect” election outcome by the US intelligence agencies that increasingly rely on these platforms for information about their targets. Representatives from those agencies met repeatedly with the security heads of the major social media platforms in the run-up to the vote earlier this month.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.11674447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4562 >>4625 >>4684 >>4743 >>4870 >>4905

Merkel forced to postpone further Covid-19 restrictions amid pushback from German regional leaders


The decision on more coronavirus curbs in Germany has been delayed to November 25 after the leaders of the country’s 16 federal states rejected Chancellor Angela Merkel’s demands to widen the current partial lockdown.


“I could have imagined imposing further contact restrictions today,” Merkel told a press-conference in Berlin, adding that the federal government and regional leaders couldn’t find common ground on the issue.


Germany already introduced a partial lockdown two weeks ago in an attempt to stem the second wave of the virus. Under those measures, bars and restaurants have closed, but schools and shops remain open. Private gatherings were also limited to no more than 10 people from two different households.


On Monday, Merkel acknowledged that those restrictions “have broken the dynamics of new infections,” but pointed out that they haven’t yet been enough to reverse the trend. Germany is still far from the goal of 50 new coronavirus cases per 100,000 people in a week’s time, she said.


The contact restrictions are the formula for success. We need more of this. We need to restrict contacts further to reach our goals.


The additional measures sought by Merkel include mandatory mask-wearing in schools, fewer students in classes, and stricter limits on social contacts in general.


Federal and state leaders are to meet again next week in a fresh attempt to agree further curbs.


Germany has so far recorded more than 801,000 coronavirus cases and almost 12,600 deaths since the start of the pandemic, according to the Robert Koch Institute.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.11674479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4684 >>4743 >>4905

Kissinger Warns Biden: Anti-China Coalition Could Cause "Catastrophe Comparable To World War I"


Many have feared US tensions with China are on such an edge on multiple fronts, also through allies in the region, that war could easily erupt based on what in normal times might be seen as a small encounter or incident.


And now, Henry Kissinger has raised his warning levels during the opening session of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, telling the incoming Biden administration should move quickly to restore lines of communication with China that frayed during the Trump years or risk a crisis that could escalate into military conflict.


When we previously heard from the former US secretary of state on the last couple of occasions, he was warning that a permanent conflict between Washington And Beijing would be unwinnable and lead to “catastrophic outcome"…


“It’s no longer possible to think that one side can dominate the other… it will be worse than the world wars that ruined European civilisation,” said Kissinger.


The 96-year-old noted that there is an important difference between previous times and now: "American endurance then was fortified by an ultimate national purpose. Now, in a divided country, efficient and farsighted government is necessary to overcome obstacles unprecedented in magnitude and global scope,"


"Sustaining the public trust is crucial to social solidarity, to the relation of societies with each other, and to international peace and stability," he said.


Pushing for one more war Heinz?

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:27 p.m. No.11674562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4629 >>4842

>>11674259 Project Veritas: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Ballots For Joe Biden That Were Actually Marked For President Trump

>>11674270 Trump administration preparing move to decrease Medicare drug prices

>>11674275 Trump nominee to replace Amy Coney Barrett on appeals court sent to Senate

>>11674278 Page 33 of the Maricopa County and Dominion contract indicates the Dominion project team will play a key role in assisting Maricopa County with tabulation and results reporting.

>>11674286 Barry comms?

>>11674304 UK: £1 Billion Fraud Probe Delayed Again, Victims Left Uncompensated

>>11674316 Podesta: Biden Transition Team 'Hobbled' As Trump Refuses To Concede

>>11674345 Colombian Navy Finds Rare Electric Mini-Submarine During Drug Raid

>>11674356 Georgia Secretary Of State Lashes Out Over 'Baseless Allegations' Regarding Signature Mismatches, Dominion

>>11674366 PF

>>11674385 BLM Activist Brandished Knife, Said ‘I Will Kill You’ Before Being KO’d

>>11674422 @LLinWood "The Truth. Face it. Embrace it. Live it.

>>11674431 Twitter brings in notorious hacker who worked at Google and DARPA months after celebrity megahack

>>11674447 Merkel forced to postpone further Covid-19 restrictions amid pushback from German regional leaders


>>11674472 What about all this Baker?????

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:31 p.m. No.11674618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4905

Netanyahu, in slip, almost refers to Biden as ‘president’


PM, who has refrained from explicitly saying Democrat has won US election, quickly corrects himself, says Biden ‘supposed to be appointed the next president’


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu came close Monday to calling Joe Biden the US president or president-elect, but corrected himself at the last second.


Despite offering his congratulations to Biden, Netanyahu has so far refrained from explicitly stating that the former US vice president and Delaware senator won the elections.


He has also not spoken with Biden, and was asked about this by a journalist during a (Hebrew) press conference he held in Jerusalem.


“I have been told that in the very near future I will talk with the president…,” the premier answered, before abruptly stopping and correcting himself: “…er, with Joe Biden, who is supposed to be appointed the next president.”


Netanyahu refused to respond to another part of the question asking him what he thought about President Donald Trump’s unfounded claims that widespread fraud was committed and that he had won the election.


“We have enough politics over here,” Netanyahu said.


Netanyahu waited more than 12 hours after US media networks called the presidency for Biden on November 7 before issuing a statement congratulating him, and even then without specifying what for, leading to assessments that he does not want to anger Trump, who still has a few months left in his presidency, by acknowledging his rival’s victory.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.11674791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4989

Far-Left Activist Launches Super PAC to Boost Ossoff, Warnock


'Atlanta's AOC' pledges to spend millions to toss Senate to Dems


A far-left former congressional candidate often called "Atlanta's AOC" has launched a super PAC that plans to spend millions backing Georgia Democratic Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.


Georgia-based activist Nabilah Islam, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress with the support of liberal "Squad" members Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), formed a super PAC in the immediate aftermath of the November election. She has pledged to spend millions to help Democrats win the state's closely watched January runoffs. The super PAC is Islam's most ambitious electoral undertaking since her failed congressional campaign, which centered on support for far-left proposals such as defunding police and implementing the Green New Deal.


Tens of millions of dollars in outside money are expected to flood Georgia as Democrats look to gain control of the Senate by unseating Republican senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. While Ossoff and Warnock have attempted to distance themselves from the far-left policies backed by Islam, the Democrats have leaned on the party's progressive wing to raise money. The pair courted progressive Silicon Valley donors during a November 9 virtual fundraiser. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said that winning the races would allow Democrats to "put forth a progressive agenda" that includes "a Green New Deal" in a recent fundraising email.


Islam most recently ran to represent Georgia's Seventh Congressional District. She backed a number of far-left policies during the race, including defunding the police, Medicare for All, and the Green New Deal. Ocasio-Cortez praised Islam for not being "afraid to fight against the status quo," and the New York Democrat's Courage to Change PAC gave Islam $5,000 in May. She received just 12 percent of the vote in Georgia's June Democratic primary.


Islam has criticized Loeffler's "law and order" rhetoric, accusing the Republican of "encouraging violence." She publicly backed defunding police in a June interview with the Atlanta-based NRI Pulse.

Anonymous ID: 507882 Nov. 16, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.11674831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4856

16 minute primer on Marx and his dangerous BS