Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:07 p.m. No.11676705   🗄️.is 🔗kun



everyone of these violent fucking niggers is getting off scott free. You want JUSTICE? Federal charges Based Police Chief Greene does her job? Gets fucked over.


As we know all too well from examples in Africa, if nigger's aren't checked they'll corrupt the entire system.


THIS is awesome.

Felony warrants HAVE been obtained for the following:

Senator L. Louise Lucas (nigger) has already gotten the charges against her dropped ,even though it's HER VOICE on the body cam insisting there be no arrests.


NAACP reps issues warrants:

James Boyd (nigger)

Louie Gibbs (nigger)

LaKeesha Hicks (nigger)

School board members

Lakisha Atkinson (nigger)

Kimberly Wimbush (nigger)

Dana Worthington (white jew)

Amria Butfia

Additionally arrest warrants have been obtained for public defender lawyers

Brenda Spry (nigger)

Alexandra Stevens (she's wiped pics)

Meredith Cramer (nigger)

Amira Bethea wiped

Lakesha Hicks (nigger)

Raymond Brothers (antifa looking type big white guy)

Hanah Renae Rivera (scrubbed)

Brandon Woodard (I think white jew. it can't be T. Brandon Woodard because he's already in jail.)


Portsmouth Commonwealth Attorney Stephanie Morales (nigger) knew nothing about the charges probably because she's going to be asked to recuse herself. Morales is also degenerate and teaches her kids to be degenerate as well.


LOL not Lakisha Atkinson's first go

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.11676742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6764


All that means is Howie Carr might not have pushed "stop". You still have no idea how much control big tech has over your devices. Check out the truth about digital terrorism re Polly's bitchute channel. It SHOULD scare the fuck out of you.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:20 p.m. No.11676835   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Kek thanks for posting that. Some kike is trying to say there's no proof. I just didn't have it.


JIDF is going insane trying to counter this stuff coming out

>muh no proof (LOLOL right, Gina Haspel is innocent)

>muh no proof dominion medical is linked therefore no proof McSally is bent..


PROOF now STFU and go back to HQ and come with something else.


Also beware the desperate JIDF are trying AGAIN to get you to dig on the 13 families and INGORE……………..they started the Rothschild shit immediately after I posted……this.


Well DOH. You guys still don't get how Trump works.


never telegraph your moves


They can't fire Haspel they have to go along with everything so as not to expose they know. They played these old commie kikes like the retards they are.


They fought fear (blackmail) with KNOWLEDGE, wisdom, and intellect. NONE of which the leftards actually posses. The brains? the Mr. Bigs?


Remember when POTUS said

"the people in the dark shadows, people you've never heard of"?


Not one of you here appear to even have the slightest idea of what he meant.


Ulla and JP Bak

William E. Kennard

James Biden

Mark Epstein

Aaron Berger

Lord and Lady Molloch-Brown


to some extent

Bill and Melinda Gates


And there's more. All the "conspiracies" fed to people to keep the focus on the OBVIOUS when even those people are nothing but puppets on a string.


What do all of them have in common? You've never heard of them (aside from useful idiot Gates) and they are among the puppetmasters.


But Muh Rothschild but muh pedos…the sex and pedo shit was the MEANS and LOCUS of control, not the fucking goal. Feed people their darkest desires, film it—and you own them for life.


find out who is behind Eric Coomer's rise to "fame"


What's going on with Sunrise (Asymmetrical Solutions founder Aaron Berger) how did he gain access to all the schools?


You realize infiltration of the schools has literally brought us here.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:23 p.m. No.11676871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6931


>Frank DiGiamarinno, Booz | Allen | Hamilton (former: Accelerated Ventures; AWS)


Well shit. There's Booz Allen again. /pol/ humiliated the FUCK out of them during Chanology. KEK. And there they are again.


Anyone else remember that?

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.11676917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6985 >>7001 >>7007



>Nov 9

>Someone at Cracker Barrel in East Windsor need to explain why there are nooses on the ceiling… #notagoodlook


Humm maybe the FBI should investigate this. Perhaps with 15-20 agents, like for Bubba.

Electric cords, garage door pulls—there's a lynching conspiracy out there I tell you…get on that shit.


Forget vote fraud–nothing to see there.



/s for retards

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.11676989   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We literally destroyed them and got their president "fired". Never ever brag in public about how awesome your computer skills are and never ever fucking threaten to sell your "power" to Scientology or threaten to doxx /pol/. KEK he went down in flames.


I can't remember names but similar people were in the DNC email leak …Bush girl is discussed and they are idiots. My guess is that they are a "flow through" group to move money around and have no real function. People that stupid cannot possibly have any real function.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:41 p.m. No.11677048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7081


>CA red? More red than WA/OR? Literally fucking fake news.

COPE. You have zero idea how long that vote fraud has been going on.



>Proof CNN is run by Satanists and not Jews.

What a fucking idiot.



>Judaism and Christianity are not 'in conflict'.


Synagogue of Satan—that's what Jesus said about Jews. It's about time Christians wake the FUCK UP.







The Jews are shilling hard in absolute terror that they will lose control of you.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.11677148   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7211 >>7310


>SWISS plans to give us another crises

Can someone wake the fucking SWISS up?


Danish are kicking their asses with mere pots and pans.


Klaus (((SCHWAB)))


get cash, prepare, and sit back and watch the kike's last gap.


Jewish Communists have a fine way of being psychic. pics related–1933….1933.


Their last gasps are coming.


Six Million cybers crimes.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.11677178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7189 >>7485


Also maybe the 10 dayswill be the time the white hats scrub the system.


People don't be stupid and get caught short. Be prepared to hunker down for a few weeks.


The Chink virus LARP on /pol/ did one thing–I was ready to stay in because I knew they'd do to us what they did to the Chinese.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.11677250   🗄️.is 🔗kun



While I appreciate all digs (YAY) be careful here. Ask yourself how—right before elections, Bibi starts spreading this picture to discredit Barak.


Who took the photo?

Who knew Barak would be there?

Who used the photo to maintain power?


IN this case it appears to be a power struggle between forces of evil. Bibi was working his ass off to make it seem as if he were the good guy.


In Israel, remember, no good guy ever reaches that level of power.


Good digs on Barak, he too is an evil fuck.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 10:11 p.m. No.11677272   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Oh dear sweet summer Jesus. You have any idea who Shiva is?


Imagine using symbols of light for evil purposes?


That's NEVER been done before.


LOL imagine being this gullible.

must be SATAN!!!

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 10:37 p.m. No.11677447   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So, how many IPs have we lost tonight?

This "reactionary" stuff is interesting.


This is a kike glowie using their old (this is old) injection shit. Same images..which will lead right to them.


Comms leave trails even with VPNs and burner phones.


Everyone is doing pretty well not spurgeing out. Good.


Reminder these are very old images. Gross–horrifying, yes, but by now the offender is dead and hopefully the child as an adult has gotten help. That was a family "member" and the images were part of an investigation which is why this mental degenerate uses them.


Eudaimonia. Clearly the entire argument about happiness being linked to virtue is incorrect. What brings a degenerate pleasure? Well. at least he's happy.


I would appreciate more transparency. Who owns the board and why haven't proper measures been taken—and why didn't this happen when Jim was in charge? This doesn't even happen on /pol/ MAYBE for 5-6 seconds..maybe. In all my years on 4chan, the asshole of the Internet, I, myself have never seen CP. I've seen people mention it, but I've never seen it. Oddly, I've seen it here like clockwork every night.

I find this strange. I also find it strange the timing.


I also think the "special baker board" must go and all baking coms out in open. The practice board should stay but bakers should be discouraged from forming groups and fighting over control.


WHY is there such a lack of transparency?




>He got his info from that one tweet. ALL of the info about this traces back to that tweet.

>There has been absolutely zero independent confirmation. I don't think it's real.

You've posted the same cope in almost every bread. And you're given the same answer each time.








And fuck your gramma. Unless she was on base and in US intelligence in the WHITE HAT division your gramma isn't going to hear jack fucking shit.


IF your gramma is a German citizen tell her to start telling her friends that vote fraud has fucked Europe for many years to come. Then tell her to watch Europa The Last Battle and get out in the streets like the Danes.


But I know you're a Koncern Kike.


What part of massive vote fraud don't you understand?


In your panicked weakened mental state try to focus and compare hammer pics. See any difference?


Go watch Europa The Last Battle and free yourself from the programming of your childhood.

Anonymous ID: 99f693 Nov. 16, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.11677499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I already use a credit union and have myself set to easily ride out 3 or more months without having to leave the house. I may be too old to march, but set me up in a tree or sniper's spot and I'll do my fair share.


Remember with me if you will—exactly how many times have they tried to take our guns in the last 10 years? They shoved that on trump and he basically banned a belt loop. (bump stock) but the kikes seized that and started running around message boards ….Trump makes a /s comment re red flags and the kikes do the same thing again.


You know why their shit isn't going to work here? Guns. If you do not have at least 1 shotgun and plenty of hole punching cartridges in your house by now…tomorrow is when I'd get one.


Trump 100% is saving us but that does not mean this process is going to be lossless or painless. There isn't anything these Jewish Communists won't do.


BE PREPARED and DETERMINED not whiny ass weak pussy shits coming on here and posting shit like


OMG I'm so mad at Trump, I'm skeered they're going to lock us down again…over and over.


FUCKINA when the gov. issues another lockdown IGNORE it.


You're going to find out FAST what you're really made of. Maybe that's what most Americans need to discover.