Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 10:54 p.m. No.11677537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7546 >>7569 >>7622

>>11677485 (pb)

So you're ready to 100% guarantee that there's not going to be ANY problems?


Don't go knocking on neighbor's doors begging for food. You've been warned a million times. They'd be right to shoot you.


There is not anything they won't do. Can you 100% guarantee that no power plants will go off? that there's not going to be any food shortages?


The system has to go down for it to be cleaned. WT do you think "military option" is?


Imagine being here and still not being prepared. Being so afraid to do anything that you're going to be caught with your fucking pants down? Let me guess, you ran out for TP.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 10:59 p.m. No.11677566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they're glowies. Kike glows wouldn't be using such old images. They're all fucking kids and producing porn so–no need to keep a sekrit stash of old pics.

Fucking kids is literally legal in Israel. The glowtard doing this isn't all that bright. Stop worrying about it.


>>11677353 (PB)


I already use a credit union and have myself set to easily ride out 3 or more months without having to leave the house. I may be too old to march, but set me up in a tree or sniper's spot and I'll do my fair share.


Remember with me if you will—exactly how many times have they tried to take our guns in the last 10 years? They shoved that on trump and he basically banned a belt loop. (bump stock) but the kikes seized that and started running around message boards ….Trump makes a /s comment re red flags and the kikes do the same thing again.


You know why their shit isn't going to work here? Guns. If you do not have at least 1 shotgun and plenty of hole punching cartridges in your house by now…tomorrow is when I'd get one.


Trump 100% is saving us but that does not mean this process is going to be lossless or painless. There isn't anything these Jewish Communists won't do.


BE PREPARED and DETERMINED not whiny ass weak pussy shits coming on here and posting shit like


OMG I'm so mad at Trump, I'm skeered they're going to lock us down again…over and over.


FUCKINA when the gov. issues another lockdown IGNORE it.


You're going to find out FAST what you're really made of. Maybe that's what most Americans need to discover.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 11:07 p.m. No.11677615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7644 >>7808 >>7875 >>8014 >>8021

>>11677310 (PB)

I have idea. I don't use twatter, fb…and I'm secure enough that I don't need to hang on every word or tweet.



>can't believe people fell for the tp crap. AGAIN…

They're going to. (these are old).


Instead of being ants they've spent the past year being grasshoppers and once again they'll be duking it out over shit in stores and I'm gonna sit here and enjoy the show. Some cool Danes? made a hysterical video about the toilet paper..they were in this massive warehouse FILLED with toilet paper and moving it around with fork lifts laughing diabolically.


It's not the damn toilet paper. It's


responding to the implanted trigger


Look how many people ran out and grabbed all toilet paper. They didn't get any food, just toilet paper. It was insane!! Even without TP there's wash clothes and water. Millions of people around the world do not use toilet paper and yet when the trigger sounded, the implanted ran to the stores.


IF YOU DID, you're implanted.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 11:17 p.m. No.11677671   🗄️.is 🔗kun


/pol/ was prepped. That's the only "good" that came from the CHINK CVG larps.


Plenty on here are literally believing that no harm will come to them and everything is cheery…yes, eventually. But it's going to be painful.



HAHAHA thanks this is beautiful. OHIO ..I told you lot OH is the sleeper state of evil. Everyone loves making fun of CA, WA, NY, OR…but sleepy innocent red Ohio…is the undercover fucking demon.


Nearly all the so called republican reps are rinos. That's why they only skimmed president vote in my county. The reps are fake republicans. DeWine has interests in Haiti.


HAHAH I totally believe this and I bet people are looking, OHIO? nah that's fake. Trust me it's real.


PIC related is from archer/cooney/biden emails with rep Rob Portman listed as contact.


Please please please if you guys are twatting this shit add the email to it. PLEASE?



Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.11677708   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also–don't be fooled by Noam, dig her. DeWine goes around LARPing as a loyal republican too and I can assure you, like Kasich before him he's a fake fuker.


Conversely Chinks may have put her on the list to harm her because they failed to turn her.


Just don't immediately reject the idea just because you like her rousing speeches and she's hot. At least dig.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 11:47 p.m. No.11677856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8014 >>8021


Ah,they most certainly had armed security in the cities. They operated to keep the election observers away.


The correct chant the MAGA march SHOULD have used more often to the cops is


pick a side




>These pathetic NPC people, and there are plenty of them,

They auto responded to the prompts in the media. I asked people here to do an experiment–go to their FB and hit delete. I told them they wouldn't be able to do it.


No one did. The woke folk are just as NPC as the others, however in general they're mostly nicer.


Here's mine. The only one I'm not sure of is the tweet. I don't use twatter but the JIDF kikes were claiming it was Cuba Gooding. I can't tell from the blur. The others are legit screen caps.


My arrests files are Dallas Jones and "Skinny Joe" Malino. Vote fraud.


Skinny Joe has been posted numerous times by myself and not once did anyone bother to read it.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 16, 2020, 11:54 p.m. No.11677896   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Chinks hate niggers. HATE them.


I forgot what I named it but they even had a laminated sheet at McDonalds that they'd show to any black person going in…no blacks allowed. I'm not fucking kidding.



Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 17, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.11677939   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ah bro, since you posted without names…however the one you did post with names? most are jews.


Mexicans age of consent is 12. They fuck kids, Niggers tend to fuck their own kids. Arabs fuck kids ,any kids, like Jews. Africans fuck kids.


European whites fuck kids too. Not nearly in the numbers that kikes do.


All the people in the Dallas Runner are either jews or niggers.




For Jews I suppose it's understandable. A jewish male infant's first sexual experience is pleasure (penis must be erect), the MIND / brain altering pain, then pleasure as the moile sucks the infant's penis as part of the ritual.


That might be what leads more Jews to be pedos.


Both Epstein and Weinstein's penis's were deformed.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 17, 2020, 12:22 a.m. No.11678041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8067


Hell Ed doesn't even bother to bury them.

He just leaves them on the floor and goes out to DNC fund raise. It only took them what, 4 murders before they finally HAD to arrest him.

Anonymous ID: 8a0691 Nov. 17, 2020, 12:28 a.m. No.11678067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8084 >>8089






Imagine the smell.


(((YOU))) will never be a woman.


Yeah he's flipped apparently. There's a deal in the works. My article shows him in cuffs.



Oh sweet summer Jesus you fuckers are stupd.


That is just the man who was walking by Trump during inauguration. That's not actually HIM. In what fucking retard world would a SS officer have a social media page?


Come swiftly lord jesus and snatch up these fucking stupid people.