they're glowies. Kike glows wouldn't be using such old images. They're all fucking kids and producing porn so–no need to keep a sekrit stash of old pics.
Fucking kids is literally legal in Israel. The glowtard doing this isn't all that bright. Stop worrying about it.
>>11677353 (PB)
I already use a credit union and have myself set to easily ride out 3 or more months without having to leave the house. I may be too old to march, but set me up in a tree or sniper's spot and I'll do my fair share.
Remember with me if you will—exactly how many times have they tried to take our guns in the last 10 years? They shoved that on trump and he basically banned a belt loop. (bump stock) but the kikes seized that and started running around message boards ….Trump makes a /s comment re red flags and the kikes do the same thing again.
You know why their shit isn't going to work here? Guns. If you do not have at least 1 shotgun and plenty of hole punching cartridges in your house by now…tomorrow is when I'd get one.
Trump 100% is saving us but that does not mean this process is going to be lossless or painless. There isn't anything these Jewish Communists won't do.
BE PREPARED and DETERMINED not whiny ass weak pussy shits coming on here and posting shit like
OMG I'm so mad at Trump, I'm skeered they're going to lock us down again…over and over.
FUCKINA when the gov. issues another lockdown IGNORE it.
You're going to find out FAST what you're really made of. Maybe that's what most Americans need to discover.