They are saying Openly, across the world, 'You are looking at us engaging openly in fraudulent activity and criminal malpractice and you're all (populations) too afraid to call it. We own all of you. Your physical body AND your frail mind'
So let me get this right - George Soros, THEE George Soros, is Potentially involved in the 'voting' processes of the US of A?
I'm flabbergasted! It's been talked about for at least ten years but I'm still shocked.
So That's why he makes public betting calls on Trump being gone by 2020? Never guessed it'd be rigged voting as one of the 'insurance' stamps on that bet.
In other words, We KNOW Soros hovered around voting. Barr, for the love of God Arrest Somebody!
Of course it does. How sweet. And That Wraps up the Epstein episode, Marlowe!
You're a lazy researcher, so I'll help you out.
CNN hasn't mentioned it, so
It happened
It's confirmed
It's real
Members of Alien Expeditionary Force's X Group were involved as they were already on exercises in the UK trying to find where the Queen has been hiding.