We love Trump chant.
19 min. aprox.
50% of ANONS never heard this.
Jew haters watch this.
Why is the new Biden retarded?
Most anons never heard this speech.
How do you live with yourself?
Almost every president of the United States was like Biden an invalid controlled by the rich.
The Generals Trump hired worked for Satan.
Learn the truth read the Bible.
Avoid churches that have pastors that beg for money.
The apostle John never begged for money the 11 other apostles did.
Trust the dude that isn't in it for the money.
Trumps throws his hat in the ring.
Why did they make him retarded?
I don't own a gun for a reason.
Trump escalator.
Because she's a moron.
It's not the Jews it's Satan the Jew hater.
The apostles spread all over the planet. Only John didn't beg for money because he actually believed in Jesus.
If a christian asks you for money run.
They have no faith.
Q never read the Bible.
She was into B movies.
Q was chosen to expose new age bullshit.
She's not that stupid.
The White Squall is a joke.
>The White Squall
Bill isn't gay bill loves rape.
Every movie ever made was made to brainwash you.
very news report you watched was brainwashing
Evert news report you watched was brainwashing
The CIA runs Hollywood and brainwashes you. TV is run by the CIA brainwashes you.
The fake news is the CIA brainwashing you.