Vid is days old and was posted multiple times, but I only just watched it today. I highly recommend it.
I haven't done any "work" on election fraud, but I've been following the angles posted here, reading and watching vids, and I'd say this is the single best intro to the idea that the fraud was HORRIFIC! They take a very clever analytical method (which hinges on comparing presidential results from "straight party" voters vs others), and apply it to actual precinct-level reported results from several counties in Michigan, and conclude from that alone that there was copmuterized switching of votes from Trump to Biden. If you follow closely, the graphs around the 26 minute mark are a MOAB for sure. They explain their methods very intuitively, and make a good faith effort to consider whether there might be any "natural" explanation for what they find. They don't see it and I don't either, but if I honestly believed that Biden "won" the election and thought that was for the best I would be scrambling to try to find it.
If anyone has $50,000 to spare, why not find 5 prominent anti-Trump data analysts and pay them each $10K to record them watching this vid, allowing them to pause and respond as needed?