Jesus H fucking Christ, the state of this God damn board!
Well holy Quad 8's!
If it isn't my old Fucking Friend, Sam!
The P = pussy is strong here this morning so careful or you might step on one of these puke's fucking fee fee's! ;D
Who the fuck is this fucking Guy?!
Next thing you know you will be trying to convince me that this is Q or some shit!
Drop and give me 20, Soldier!
No amount of ass kissing is going to save your puking assholes from the truth and I am the God damned truth! ;D
P = Pyle!
Now drop and give me 20 Bloodlines of the Illuminati and 5 Alex Jones sent me's!
That is the gayest shit I have ever heard, Pyle!
And I have listened to every show that Inthematrixxx has ever broadcast!
If I did not need them I would rip my god damned ears off right about now!
Jesus H fucking christ!
Mother god damn fuck shit!
These kids cannot handle the truth if it had cushy soft grips in the shape of their little pussy fucking hands?!
I might as well reveal myself as the bastard son of R lee emery before we kick the god damn fucking deep state in their little non existent pussy fucking nutsacks!
I meant to type ermey!
Don't eye ball me, boy!
Now go read Bloodlines of the god damned Illuminati again and laugh your ass off as you realize how stupid you were to ever believe that Payseur bullshit in the first place, Pyle!
Awwww pussy gonna be upset when the plan succeeds then, we guess!
How fucking nice of you to warn us that you are ready to go "MAGA PATRIOT HOT! yeah get some! get some!" even though you better keep your pup ass on the porch before some well disciplined Marine puts you in the morgue and yer mommy be all like "muh boy!!!" and shit!
OMG you CP piece of shit!
You think anyone who does not believe that the shape shifting jews did everything is a jew because muh low IQ shit stain!
Go back to POL where you can suck your other LOW IQ puke frenz off!
Jesus H fucking christ, Soldier!
You told the god damn truth here today and that shit will not be tolerated!
Didn't your mother tell you not to talk to stinkin' pussies or that shit might rub off?!
oh herr derr! Q came to the chans so we can talk about the muh joos all day long and that shit is not dividing!
Now drop and give me your suicide!
Don't fucking laugh as that might make me break character and you don't want that shit!
I will fuck you in your little nazi grammar kitty asshole, fuckface!
Imagine coming to the muh chans where all that you do is correct some idiots fucking grammar!
Now drop and give me KYS!
I did not make the fucking meme you puking pussy!
Well alright then! Checks the fuck out!
As you were, Paytriot!
Great Sebastian, now go do another god damned coffee commercial because imagine how much money you could save on your jesus h fucking christ latte's!
OMG you fucking pussy!
anime makes my asshole so sore!
I think I am gonna KMS!
Now KYS!
All Bakers are fucking pussy Karens who need to go through my boot camp before they can ever think that they are guarding muh tree of liberty or some shit!
Now drop and give me 50 (you)'s!
jesus h fucking christ hail mary, Soldier!
I am up for a fucking promotion soon!
Imagine the pussy faggot pain if they make me a General!!
not my god damned meme but I will send the maker your best motherfucking god damned wishes, Soldier!
and I don't even know what this jesus h fucking christ shit means!
If we ever lose a fucking war, that will be the pussy ass reason!
Karen does not know how to kill!
Well WhereTF do we get endorsements at because that is where I need to get my pussy ass off to and how much are (you)'s worth because I think I want to trade my shit pile of pussy (you)'s in for a nice box of cuban cigars or some shit!
Jesus H fucking christ, Pyle!
Could you make that dumbass_famefag meme any smaller as I would to be able to shove it up your tight ass!?
I don't know what this pussy shit means so it must mean that we are in hell!
Popcorn and shit!
Drill Sergeant did not mean to call you a PAYtriot, Patriot and drill Sergeant is s-s-s-s-s-
drill sergeant is s-s-s-s-
I am sorry alright!? fuck?! ;D
I am starting to like that fucking jesuit pope piece of deep state shit! fuck!