When is any one going to hold Q accountable for not doing shit? We dont serve at the pleasure of the President that's Qs job. They serve at our pleasure. So we want justice right? Or are we all playing spy? Because I dont need to play spy with a bunch of fat neck beards who couldn't run a mile to literally save their lives. If you are reading this drinking mountain dew in your mothers basement then I'm talking about you
The police are now the enemy of the people who supported them. Pussies. They allowed BLM and ANTIFA to scare them. No longer a police supporter. Fuck them all. Hope they dont come home. Fucking faggots do it for a paycheck and will put Americans in harm's way. Like they funneled them through BLM and ANTIFA. And wouldnt let them safely exit. I hope they all die.
Who cares if he was good. He died. He failed. Fuck him. If he wasnt trying to play both sides he would have won. Just like Q and Trump. Should have pulled the trigger sooner. Fucking idiot. Timing is every thing. But they say they have it all. And NCSWIC. You waiting has nothing to do with timing. And every thing to do with ego. Or Q team is as evil as them. And you just want power. Because timing wouldnt matter if you had it all. If I had all the evidence to convict a murderer I wouldnt wait for the perfect time. Because it may not come. But I wouldnt expect retards like all of you to ask these questions
I'm pissed for that very reason anon. Because I really truly and sincerely want these fucks brought to justice. And here we are in the same position we were in 4 years ago.
You can drink bleach faggot. I've been here for a long time. And been apart of the REAL truther movement longer than you too. And Q and his merry band of clowns will never stop me. What has he done? Name one person who has been brought to justice. If you say Epstein slap yourself in the face. Hes dead. And the DS has made Q and Trump unfortunately look like assholes
If he had it all why is he waiting? What the fuck are you all on? If you have it all and NCSWIC then what are they waiting on? Fuck off you have no argument. And no logic. Neither does that buttfucker Q
Posts no argument no logical retort and he got me? No wonder this board is in the shape it's in. All the autists left just boomers and Paytriots left
Typical nothing response from you complete fucking retards. Have zero logic. You guys are playing spy. Try working out and running. I can guarantee you cant run a mile to save your life. And yet you guys are ready for War? Kek too funny. Watch out for the overweight losers who masturbate to anime porn and drink mountain dew all day. The saviours of this planet. Fucking neckbeards kekekekekekekekek
Whiner? No just calling out fake pussy faggots. Who if they were in a real fight would curl up into a ball and cry. Which is why you arent on the front lines fighting ANTIFA. Even the effeminate little freaks would fuck you up