it's quite pathetic seeing sheep argue to other sheep over who they want to be their shepherd when there are those of us telling the fucking sheep that they should be responsible for their own lives, their own sustenance, their own welfare, etc.
equally pathetic that there are actually those sheep who think they will ever be anywhere near the top or own billion dollar yachts/mansions.
picture a monopoly game - yes the board game - where the players have already been playing long before anyone else was ever born.
they have hotels/motels on all the properties, they own the properties, they even own the bank which fucks everyone over with their usurping interest and mortgages(death grips).
now, player 1 is born and told to "go out there and get a job kiddo! make something of yourself!" so that your fat fucking boss can buy another house down in miami and sit on his ass making phone calls all day while you build their product, you sell their product, hell you even deliver their product, and thinking they'll ever get in the club one day.
sure, few might become millionaires if they're lucky enough, but ever be in charge of anything that really matters? not even close.
the second amendment was created so that EVERY SHEEP COULD PROTECT THEMSELVES (so with that in mind, why must there then be a need for a surveillance state and revenue collecting police force to "assure your safety FOR you" while awaiting the next tyrannical SHEPHERD to get pushed into office in order to draft some pieces of paper up that say you can no longer have those means of protection so THAT SAME FORCE can come and take them by FORCE)
>inb4 anqueefa faggot
what makes/pushes someone to think to even get involved with that movement anyway? there had to be some seeds of truth in there with a long train of abuses already established to do so and there was. (recall that lady getting tased at a kids sportsball game/practice and hauled off to jail over not wearing a goddamn mask)
there's going to be a true revolution one day and when it finally pops off, i'm damn fucking glad i'm not one of those elitists, ivory tower living fucksticks.