Any discussions been had on V.K. Durham to add to the 'Durham' digs?
Rather enormous connection to the whole positive financial reset if so..
MARCH 24th, 2004:
IN OCTOBER OF 2002, the widow of a long-serving OSS/CIA officer, Colonel Russell Hermann ( originally a Coast Guard recruit ), approached the Federal Reserve Bank in Omaha and requested entry. She was questioned – "who are you ?"
Her answer was succinct: "I am V.K. Durham of the Durham Trust, and I am the Primary Creditor of the United States of America."
After a few moments of fumbling, Ms. Durham was granted immediate access to this regional member bank of the Federal Reserve System. In the next few minutes, it was made clear to the officials of the bank, and thus to the Federal Reserve System itself, that Ms. V.K. Durham was not dead – despite having been declared 'dead' by the so-called Social Security Administration in Region V. Despite having been denied survivor's benefits owed to her as the widow of a veteran who had served his country in war, peace and during the long twilight struggle called The Cold War, on the premise that she was 'dead.' She was, indeed, alive.
Over the next six months, in a series of interviews and articles posted here on RMN and circulated widely on the Internet via e-mail, Ms. V. K. Durham explained how and why she, as the CEO of the Durham Trust, became the primary creditor of the United States of America through her ownership and control of a debt instrument created by the Legislature of Peru in 1875, and assumed as a debt of the United States some thirty-two years or so later.
Slowly, the word circulated throughout the international banking community that V. K. Durham was not dead, and that The Durham Trust, of which she was a founding member and CEO, had the only lawful "color instruments" comprising the debt created by Peru and guaranteed by a mortgage on their natural resources "until paid in full."
May, 1875
This instrument has come to be known as "the Bonus 3392-181," and it is a one-time only Commodity Contract ( the same as a Bill of Lading ), providing for payment in gold, with interest, and sold in New York in the spring of 1875. The purpose of this Contract was to provide the government of Peru with gold currency so that the English Bond holders who had helped finance the construction of their railroad system could be paid off. It was one of many and various instruments floated at that time, to raise money in gold for their creditors in the City of London.
Eventually, almost all of the debt instruments sold by business agents or factors on behalf of Peru were either resold, and liquidated or otherwise cashed out, mostly by the thirty-year maturity date which was most common then, or 1905. However, the Bill of Lading known as the Contract or Bonus 3392 was not secured by those looking to cash in on this issuance of debt, and it was listed as being among the debts of Peru assumed by an Agreement of the United States government via the Department of Agriculture with regard to The Guano Act of 1856 and other acts and agreements. The debts of Peru were assumed as being ours, and many of them were paid in gold at that time.
The Bonus 3392-181 was not a regular bond, not subject to a "drop-dead maturity date" and was scheduled to pay 7 per cent on both interest and principal, compounded and computed every six months – "until paid." Payment for this Bill of Lading was to be in gold coin, gold bullion or in another form of gold as lawful money, as might be stipulated later. The point is, it was a Contract for payment in gold as money. It was never paid, never liquidated, and it has never expired.
The years passed. The Bonus 3392, held by one of V.K. Durham's blood relatives, was thought to be missing or to have been destroyed, but it was simply misplaced in storage for a very long time. It passed into her possession in 1975 in a most unremarkable way, and some years elapsed before its true value was recognized. In 1989 and 1990, with the help of her late husband, Col. Russell Hermann, she was able to establish the bona fides of this Bill of Lading/Commodity Contract payable in gold, and further research proved that it was a debt assumed by the United States prior to the establishment of the privately-owned Federal Reserve System. This banking cartel was established in 1913.
… tbc