Eric Coomer on a panel at 2nd Annual National Cybersecuity Summit in 2019
summit organized by Homeland Security CISA
haven't found any videos from the 2019 summit yet.
What the Elections Industry is Doing to Secure the 2020 ElectionsDescription: Behind the scenes, the vendor community is (((working to protect the 2020 elections))). Learn how they are coordinating on vulnerability disclosure and other mitigation actions to ensure the integrity of the democratic process.
Moderator: Peder Jungck, BAE SystemsPanelists:• E ric Coomer, Director of Product Strategy and Security, Dominion VotingSystems• S am Derheimer, Director of Government Affairs, Hart InterCivic• B rian Hancock, Unisyn Voting• C hris Wlaschin, Vice President Systems Security and CISO, ElectionSystems and Softw