lb notable >>11679798 10th mountain retweets 18th airborne w/TheRock pic holy shit
remember 10th mtn is listed in Qs EAM
RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
likely that 10th mtn Ft. Drum NY is getting nervous, they likely are on stand by for a coup, which Q called them out on.
My read on Red 4
During a disputed election (when Potus wins?) the DS/Dems try to break away and resist via a form of secession, or a coup against Potus, if not just to add legitimacy to removing their strongholds from Federal control/jurisdiction.
During an event of this nature, ports need to be controlled, as shipping and commerce is vital economically and Militarily, especially in diplomatic relations with trading partners to be recognized.
10th mtn Ft. Drum NY would control New England Area (entire NE), ports from NJ/NY, upward.
1st Marine would be tasked with control of West Coast.
CPSD- Fema TX would control Border to MX?, and Mississippi River Ports, Houston, etc., and may try to lead a de-facto Gov and prevent TX from full loyalty to Potus.
Marine QVIR- Quantico Virginia may try to secure DC, and maintain diplomatic relations for DS as the official US Gov.
Prolly not enough to take over, but enough to keep in the game, and try to elicit help from China, EU, UN, etc., to overthrow fully, or try to treaty their way out to form a new country or escape accountability in a settlement. (whereby Potus doe not seize their assets domestically and WW).