JB really has to be cooperating, he is a arguably high level DS politician but a low rank in cabal, i cannot see how they would let him run the worse campaign in history.
Me thinks he made a deal, he must have to be so sleepy.
For the E2020 fraud sting, we needed them to cheat BIG, Potus all in Biden all out- lockdowns and raise taxes? come on man!?!
So DS lost control of JB and we mitigated the release of the blackmail they had on him, the supposed HB laptop. Part of the deal to get cooperation.
HRC had to warn JB via twitter to not concede, DS cabal desperate to get Potus out cheated BIG, and Potus plans to expose their keystone, election fraud which they use/d to take over the world literally.
This brings the cabal down WW and they lose their ability to control people and armies, blockchain voting introduced and Potus leads a WW revolt and free elections.
Oh and yes the msm/control of information is removed next, with that CB control removed and they have nothing and no ability to regain power since their modus operandi that they have kept hidden for 1000s of years is revealed and can be countered, Nationalism returns.