then they are prosecuted by the Commander in Chief by Military Tribunal.
all of America becomes a weeger camp for CCP. I realy like egg rolls and soy sauce. Is duck sauce allowed still?
then they are prosecuted by the Commander in Chief by Military Tribunal.
all of America becomes a weeger camp for CCP. I realy like egg rolls and soy sauce. Is duck sauce allowed still?
hello world
appreciative of POTUS's HBCU money!!!
I AINT EATING THIS COMMIE FOOD…..even though it is delicious.
fuck this shit:
bro, i been surfing the 'net since my commodore 1984 was new in the box. I am about to tell you some Terry Davis level / Paul Allen and Bill Gates late night big spoon little spoon programming
have slow window open
hit ALT key + F4 key at the same time