Saturns Bake!
Oak Ridge, TN >>"Clinton Engineer Works" >>> Manhattan Project >>> (I put forth the proposition) Black funding of underground tunnel network throughout US.
Sure is starting to feel like we're entering the "Strike like the fastest animal on the planet" part of The Plan.
Highest population of Americans are Germanic
Follow the money (world financial centers)
Babylon Roma > Spain > Germany > USA
No, but I'd like a job as a graphic artist now that I know I'm more than qualified!
Yes, we know the fuckin Kraken was a 15year old Cray computerโฆ
Do research, not just the post first retrun of a google search.
Ron must be a BLACK HAT
Show me the KREKEN first. No Kreken, no money.
Insurance will pay for new home - GoFundMe will pay for lavish life style.
Parler is where all the newly single girls are heading.
what is a litmus test?
>A better question may well be
An even better question is, "Who is operating Schiffs account?"
This board is not so awesome when everyone is just sitting around waiting for something to happen.