But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
>>11689087 (lb)
This place is more important that you realize, anon.
Lin Wood 2024!
I don't want to go to jail for abusing my children to death, let's get this guy in the White House!
Been on this ride since Oct 31st, 2017. Not sure what I'm holding back, exactly. As a matter of fact, I'm rather enjoying the show, finally.
That means she knew Ds were ahead prior to election day when all the Trump voters showed up.
It was meant to wake people up; taking the longest route possible.
Gloria Vanderbilt loved little Jon Benet. So nice of Lin to step in on the legal side of things.
>What we should be doing is diving in to shaky waters with the normies and seeing what they can handle. No one seems to want to talk about difficult subjects or ones that might piss some people off and it just makes this whole endeavor feel like a waste of time.
Like how Lin Wood is a glow in the dark, but everybody loves him?
That sucks, because i really dont see the left and right being able to co exists
Why can we only get sketchy bootleg results, wheres the fucking link to the direct sauce.
Ture Doe also said he would help with military force if Trump doesnt leave office in his last speech
>Soros takes orders from the Pope because he is the top Jesuit.
The pope is not techncially the "Top Jesuit".
more votes than people is my favorite
>to my knowledge he is donating his time.
That's so nice, I love being associated with sketchy lawyers pro bono!
The sauce doesn't exist Anon, it's fake and gay.
Ahhhhh, It's Chinese:
Daily Mail US
Amazon launches online pharmacy where Prime members can get up to 80% off medication trib.al/FxPsXyP
Bezos is owned. This is going to be fun!
Shit i am stuck with tor now and cant post pic
My other 3 browsers are blocked on 8kun for some odd reason
It would have been a bit of a PR nightmare for about 3 years. Then ongoing manhunts for about 10.
>No one seems to want to talk about difficult subjects or ones that might piss some people off and it just makes this whole endeavor feel like a waste of time.
You really think the world is ready for:
All religions are bullshit
We are most definitely not alone in the universe.
Good v Evil is actually just Man v Man.
No, no one is coming down to save you.
Children are literally play toys for the elite that hide behind Satanism as an excuse.
This operation proceeds at the pace your staunchest Trump opponent FINALLY learns 1-5.
It's more bleak than people think, and yes, 99% would be put people in the hospital if they had the full picture. We are literally in the "play for keeps" phase, and an overwhelming majority have no clue what's really happening, and are dismissive when the truth is presented; even when using the Socratic method. I mean shit, anon; many still don't even question 9/11.
So, again. I get my popcorn ready each day because we've finally gotten to the point where they (the DS)have to pull all the strings or lose it all. Once they do lose, it's going to be awesome. Until then, the conflict part of this movie really is finally starting to get good.
*forgets hand washing
So AWS is Chinese.
Your personal protection and safety has always been your responsibility.
Holy fuck there's another Anon here. Salutations.
Those that scream loudest.
Goes both ways, you know. Let that rattle around the noggin for a bit.
Just Fungus, hopefully BV keeps it up. BV is definitely /our hero/.
Threats, anon. You go after someone's family, and it's game over. Again, trust the plan already knows this, and planned for it.
WTF is going on with this board.
Not only do i have to use TOR to even post now it is making me do a captcha every 10 min.
WTF is fapjack in control or damn pedo midget or something
This is a perfect example why they all must die
Excuse me, you seemed to have dropped this "B".
>Where nametags are required and anyone annoyed with faggot filter announcers is a Chinese asset.
How do I upvote this?
It's style transfer, circa 2016 or so judging by the black outlines around bidens head.
I filtered the Soros CP spammer
how ya smellin tubby?