was the fix in on The Islands???
do we ever really look at Hawaii??
should we examine Hawaii votes
or is the Obama state to far gone?
(R) sam slom he tried
all PB
>>11689092 His name helped or hurt kek I kind of like it (R) Sen. Sam Slom very memey kek
sam slom
he wanted to fix shit re: illegal voters
he lost 2020
very old news but worth reading 2015
continued: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/REPUBLICAN-SAM-SLOM-UNLOADS-ON-HOUSE-GOP-RINOS-AND-ALL-DEMOCRATS.html?soid=1109660143480&aid=1W0v7ji89hE
With your help, we can fix Hawaii. Step One: Fix the Hawaii GOP so we have a party which actually fights for Republican beliefs and policies, rather than helping Democrats to advance their agenda. Shutting off funding to our spineless, liberal Hawaii GOP and to phony Republican politicians who support Obama's agenda is the only way forward to a TRUE two-party system in Hawaii. Yes, GREAT things are happening nationally with the GOP.
But here in Hawaii, we are getting sucker punched by local RINO's and closet Democrats every single day.
REMEMBER: If you buy $150 Lincoln Dinner tickets = You are directly financing Obama's co-opting of the Hawaii GOP by RINO's
Thanks for your attention. Please stay tuned for more urgent news from HIRA,
including . . .
Issuing driver's licenses to illegal aliens wasn't the ONLY terrible new law passed last year which will affect you and your family for years to come.
More than a dozen really horrible bills got HIRA's attention in 2015.
You deserve to know what these bills do and who voted for or against them . . . even though the Hawaii GOP refuses to alert its members about Democrats trying to pass harmful legislations in the dead of night with the help of RINO legislators.
So, stay tuned for the upcoming release of HIRAs annual legislative scorecard. Yes, elections have consequences. And you'll be shocked to learn about the crazy garbage that politicians from both parties in Hawaii voted for.
The Official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly