Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:36 p.m. No.11689358   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN! — Once Biden Gained Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio – THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!


We’ve reported on multiple incidents of ‘glitches’ that people were observing related to the reporting of the 2020 Presidential Election. These incidents seem odd and so we sought out a data set from the 2020 Presidential election and we found it. A group of IT patriots had already analyzed a data set of election vote data and found millions of votes in the election that were either lost or transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden. We reported this and our post was retweeted by the President.


Tonight we can report we found the exact same virtually impossible activity in Georgia and Michigan.



In Georgia President Trump was up by as much as a 57% to Biden’s 42% and with 50% of the votes counted Trump was still way ahead. Then Biden is allocated batches of votes for hours, some with negative Trump votes and then with 89% of the votes in, Biden takes the lead. From that point on for the next 53 batches of votes counted, for EVERY SINGLE vote batch the batches had exactly a 50.05% to 49.95% victory margin for Biden and Trump cementing Biden’s lead.


Not a single batch in our data set after the “lead switch event” varied from that margin for all new vote batches. This too is inconceivable and indicates fraud.



Next in Michigan we see a similar pattern as in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Georgia.


Of the 530 entries in the New York Times of the Michigan votes for President at around 03:37:16Z, (10:36PM EST), with around 25% of the expected vote cast,and Trump is ahead by a margin of 55% to 43%. Up to that point, Trump was winning many of the batches 60%-40%, 70%-30%, and a few batches at even 75-25%!

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:37 p.m. No.11689375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9420 >>9559 >>9636 >>9749 >>9775

Huawei Threat "No.1 Concern For Democracy" Globally: National Security Advisor O'Brien


Trump is planning to continue hardline measures against China during his last weeks in office, right up until inauguration day on January 20.


National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot recently boasted to Axios, "Unless Beijing reverses course and becomes a responsible player on the global stage, future US presidents will find it politically suicidal to reverse President Trump’s historic actions."


And now in his latest statements National security adviser Robert O'Brien has singled out Chinese telecommunications company Huawei as the "number one concern" for democracy moving forward.


"If you believe in democracy and you're concerned about our elections, that's the number one concern that we've got going forward and that all the democracies have is what China could do with that Huawei backbone in our countries," O'Brien told The Hill in an exclusive interview. "It's really quite scary."


US defense officials along with the administration have long seen Huawei's global 5G rollout as but a Trojan horse allowing Chinese intelligence and the PLA military backdoor access to whatever systems go online in host countries, particularly in the West.


Indeed O'Brien underscored precisely that it could give the Chinese government "backdoors to pull up every bit of data in the world." However, US critics would point out this is exactly the kind of data hegemony that the NSA has long sought and practiced, even sweeping up US domestic communications, according to the Snowden archive revelations in 2013.


Here's more from the interview according to The Hill:


"What's really turned especially the Europeans, but also many of the Asians, is the fact that their personal private data is going to be owned 100 percent by the Chinese Communist Party," O’Brien said.


"Think of what you could do with that from a microtargeting standpoint in an election," he said. "If you know everybody, if you know their hopes, if you know their fears, if you know who's having an affair, if you know who's been diagnosed with cancer, if you know who's having financial difficulties, if you know what someone's dream vacation is. Think of taking all that information and then on a micro basis, being able to target that person, to blackmail them, to entice them, to attempt to influence them."


Over the past years the US has not just blocked Huawei from US soil (along with other China-based tech companies believed linked to the PLA), but has pressured other countries to ban it as well.


Last week President Trump signed an executive order banning US investment in 31 Chinese companies that in some way has provided support to the Chinese military, whether through systems of logistical support.

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.11689405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488 >>9617

Wayne County Reverses Decision, Certifies Disputed Election Results as Video Goes Dark


Wayne County, Michigan, canvassers reversed course late Tuesday night and voted to certify the results from the November 3 election, which have been disputed.


The Board of Canvassers had originally voted 2-2 along party lines. The tie meant the election results were not certified.


But later into the night, the Republican canvassers flipped and voted with the Democrats, while the live video stream was down.


“After hours of angry responses from Wayne County residents, the change in course was approved by the two Republican and two Democratic canvassers with the demand that the Secretary of State’s office conduct a ‘comprehensive audit’ of precincts with unexplained out-of-balance tallies,” the Detroit News reported.


It is not clear if the approval was conditional on the “comprehensive audit,” or if the investigation was merely requested.


The News reported the broadcast of the meeting went about as well as the vote counting on Election Day:


The high-stakes vote, with the eyes of the nation on Michigan’s largest county, apparently took place while the video stream for the virtual meeting wasn’t working.


“That passed unanimously,” Republican member William Hartmann said when the video began functioning again. “We just voted on that.”


Moments later, he said, “We’re going to adjourn,” and the board ended its meeting at 9:08 p.m.


WXYZ said the board “voted to certify the results under the stipulation that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson does a comprehensive audit of the election in the county.”


The Detroit Free Press stated the board “passed a resolution calling on Michigan Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to conduct an independent comprehensive audit of all of the jurisdictions in the county that recorded unexplained discrepancies between the number of absentee ballots recorded as cast and the number of absentee ballots counted.”


The Republican canvassers caved after withering attacks from Democrat activists.


Ned Staebler, whose Twitter profile said he lives in Ann Arbor — not even in Wayne County — assailed the two Republicans on the board:


WAYNE COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS – 2 Republican members voted not to certify the ballots- public comment is now open and it is intense. People calling board members racist. This is commenter Ned Staebler:


— Jennifer Ann Wilson WXYZ (@JennaWils) November 17, 2020


“Just know when you try to sleep tonight, that millions of people around the world now on Twitter know the name Monica Palmer and William Hartmann,” he said, referring to the two Republican canvassers, “as two people completely racist and without an understanding of what integrity means or a shred of human decency. The law’s not on your side. History won’t be on your side, he declared.”


Victory! Public pressure matters.


The Wayne County Board of Canvassers has reversed course and unanimously agreed to certify the results (upon the condition that the Sec’y of State’s office conduct an audit of precincts across the county).


— Kristen Clarke 866-OUR-VOTE (@KristenClarkeJD) November 18, 2020


With the certification by Wayne County, the results will now move to the State Board of Canvassers, which also has two Republicans and two Democrats as members.


Over 100 observers have filed affidavits related to the vote counting process in Detroit. Several individuals have alleged ballots being counted multiple times, ballots arriving in the dead of night, and observers being blocked from watching the tabulation process.

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:43 p.m. No.11689446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9520 >>9636 >>9749 >>9775

Australia mocked and threatened by China over 'Asian NATO' alliance


A Chinese newspaper has belittled Australia and Japan as "US tools" in what is becoming an increasingly confrontational Indo-Pacific theatre.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been targeted by Chinese propaganda while visiting Japan, where a defence pact between the two nations is under discussion.

"It's inevitable that China will take some sort of countermeasures," the Global Times wrote, in a sabre-rattling op-ed about Australia's tightening alliance with Beijing's oldest foe.


The English-language Global Times is a nationalist, pro-military propaganda news outlet, targeting a Western audience.

Global Times warned that Australia will "pay a price" if it continued to move towards an Asian-NATO alliance with the US, Japan and India.


Cabal is itching for a war

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:45 p.m. No.11689478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9636 >>9749 >>9775 >>9869

Liberals are rushing from San Francisco to Georgia to try to help Democrats win control of the Senate


San Francisco isn't sending its best


Liberal Californians are moving from San Francisco to Georgia to help the Democrats win two runoff elections and gain control of the U.S. Senate.


The San Francisco Chronicle documented several efforts from San Franciscans attempting to persuade Georgians to vote according to their political preference in the key election.


Both Senate races in Georgia went to a runoff after no candidate was able to garner 50% of the vote. Republican incumbent David Purdue obtained 49.7% of the vote, and Democrat Jon Ossoff received 48% of the vote. In the other contest, Democrat Raphael Warnock received 32.9% of the vote while the Republican vote was split between incumbent Kelly Loeffler at 25.9% and Doug Collins at 19.9%.


If the Democrats flip the seats, the Senate's 100 seats will be evenly split between the GOP and Democrats with the deciding vote going to the vice president — and that would be Democrat Kamala Harris assuming Joe Biden takes the presidential oath of office


Manny Yekutiel, who runs a "civic engagement space" in San Francisco's Mission District, and volunteered in Georgia in the fall says he's being contacted by friends who want to join him for the runoff effort.


"My phone has been blowing up every 20 minutes," Yekutiel said.


"People are asking me, 'When do I move to Georgia? Where can I stay? Should I get a block of hotel rooms?'" he added.


Tech industry project manager Joseph Killian, 38, told the Chronicle that he and his friends donated $50,000 to Democratic senatorial candidates who mostly lost in their bid against Republicans.


"I can't just sit home and raise money," said Killian. "When you look at some of those races where we didn't win, this is our chance to hopefully go there and fix that. We want to be there and help."

Outside money pours in


Republicans are using the fact that the majority of the campaign funding for both Democrats comes from out of state in order to undermine their campaigns.


"I'll point to the last time that Jon Ossoff was running for office and received a lot of organizing help from California — it didn't end well for him," said Jesse Hunt, a spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.


At least 83% of the money raised for Ossoff came from outside Georgia, and 80% of the money raised for Warnock came from outside the state.


"These progressive activists who want to come to Georgia, their values are very different from the people in Georgia who will be voting," said Hunt.

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.11689516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9543 >>9554 >>9571 >>9636 >>9749 >>9775 >>9827 >>9840 >>9870

Biden should PARDON Trump to avert ‘civil unrest’ in the US, Democrat lawyer says


While declaring that President Donald Trump is obviously guilty of some kind of crimes against democracy, one Democrat is urging Joe Biden to pardon him anyway, as a means of defusing post-election unrest.


“Why Biden should pardon Trump — and we Democrats should want him to,” argued Michael Conway, former counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, in an aptly named “hot take” think-piece published by NBC on Tuesday that immediately drew backlash.


While Biden is on the record that he would “absolutely” commit to not pardoning Trump the way Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon in 1974, Conway is suggesting that doing so would actually help the Democrats.


Pardoning Trump would be “intended to heal the nation and foreclose the possibility of an ongoing cycle of retribution after political parties change control of the government,” he writes. The way forward “does not involve relitigating the last four years in federal criminal court.”


Conway asserts moral equivalence between Trump supporters chanting “lock her up” about Hillary Clinton and what he presupposes would be the Democrats’ good-faith investigations into whatever he is he assumes Trump is guilty of.


“Trump would, of course, be one of the least deserving recipients of a federal pardon in history,” he writes, accusing the president of “currently endangering our democratic processes by relentlessly undermining the legitimacy of Biden’s election and thwarting a peaceful transition.”


Still, Conway argues, “American democracy cannot tolerate the prosecution of political opponents.” Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and George Papadopoulos – prosecuted and persecuted under the baseless banner of ‘Russiagate’ – might beg to differ. They’re not mentioned, of course.

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 8:49 p.m. No.11689535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9636 >>9749 >>9775 >>9902

Warnock: ‘Nobody Can Serve God and the Military’


'Choose ye this day who you will serve,' said the Democrat


Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock said in a 2011 sermon that Americans cannot serve God while also serving in the U.S. military.


The newly unearthed comments threaten to complicate Warnock's candidacy in a tight Georgia Senate race: Georgia is home to the fifth largest active duty military population in the country, according to a 2018 Department of Defense report.


"America, nobody can serve God and the military," Warnock said in the sermon delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where he serves as senior pastor. "You can't serve God and money. You cannot serve God and mammon at the same time."


"America choose ye this day who you will serve. Choose ye this day!" he added.


Video of the remarks surfaced as Warnock is facing criticism for other controversial statements, including his claim that "America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness."He has also come under scrutiny for his support for his religious mentor James Hal Cone, who said that white Christians practice the "theology of the Antichrist" and described white people as "satanic."


Warnock's campaign did not respond to request for comment.


Military veterans took exception to Warnock's remarks. Former U.S. Army National Guard chief chaplain Kenneth E. Brandt, who retired in April after 30 years of service, said he disagrees with the notion that Americans cannot serve both God and the military.


"If he's saying you cannot be in the military and be a Christian, I would take issue with that," Brandt, who ran a short-lived campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives as a Republican in 2018, told the Washington Free Beacon.


"I've met some great people in the military, young men and women in the country who have raised their right hand and took an oath to defend this country against all enemies foreign and domestic," Brandt said. "They have a deep belief, whether it's in God or a higher power, whatever you want to call it."


Brandt noted that Georgia is home to a massive military community that includes Fort Benning, one of the largest U.S. military installments in the world, and Fort Gordon, which houses the U.S. Army Cyber and Signal schools.


"It just makes no sense to me how you can say that, especially if you're running in Georgia," he said.


Warnock is headed into a runoff election against incumbent senator Kelly Loeffler (R., Ga.) on January 5. National political organizations are expected to pour record-breaking funds and resources into the highly contested race, which is one of two runoff elections in Georgia that will determine party control of the U.S. Senate next year.

Anonymous ID: fed508 Nov. 17, 2020, 9:11 p.m. No.11689747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9777

Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election – He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes


Attorney Lin Wood joined Mark Levin on Tuesday to discuss the theft of the 2020 election.


This was one explosive interview!


Lin Wood repeated several times during the interview, “They got caught!”


Lin Wood: “This election was a fraud. Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation. He probably won over 400 electoral votes.”