It's frustrating to have a clear debate on the banes/boons of the types of nationalism when one side insists that a particular group will always resort to violence irrespective of the outcome of circumstances.
History is replete with examples of Europeans ravaging each other in the name of:
Identity or Ethnic Purity
Political Ideology
Financial Independence
Monarchical Rule
Resistance to Governance or Monarchical Rule
This list can go on forever, but I think the Stormfront folks can admit that there will always be a reason to revolt as long as something can be found in the ruling class as minimally disagreeable to fight over it. It just so happens that white supremacists use the simplest of heuristics to draft new blood to their cause.
No one on this board, or other chans/subplebbits, will deny that certain groups of people seem to have trouble follow them. Nobody in the chan-o-sphere is going to deny time-proven, scientifically backed statistics on things like crime. There's a reason countries like Canada have disallowed collection of information regarding perpetrators of crime and ethnicity (attempts to cover up or hide a potential correlation).
What this thread is about, however, is how to turn the perceived "outliers" into "commoners" in these communities, and whether or not policies such as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 as well as the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965 had a MAJOR role in shaping how these communities walled themselves off from the rest of society as a result of systemic population herding.
Forced integration was probably one of the best of examples of "the road to Hell paved in good intentions" because the societal change wasn't allowed to be organic. Instead, it rose tensions higher than ever before, and rekindled a baser hatred whose focus is on the obvious external differences of our groups.
People have to be allowed to make the choice (liberty) with whom they want to cohabitate; not be forced into a melting pot of outcomes predetermined by policy makers unaffected by their governance decisions (see item 9 above). When organic changes are given the ability to take place naturally, change comes slow, but it also comes with a long lasting effect of cohesion, and eventually patriotism without color.
I think this is what Q is trying to get at here. Working together to abolish evil should ALWAYS precede our ill-placed urges to resist each other based on our differences. Sure, we'll continue to have the debate over our differences another day, but in the meantime, something much more important needs to be accomplished in order for us to get to a healthier state to handle, what would be in the grand scheme of things, a smaller issue at the moment.
Sort of like getting rid of life-threatening cancer of evil before dealing with the flu of race relations.