do you even know what 'indigenous' means? native americans aren't immigrants
as for brain drain
it's not like the smartest people in vietnam are going to be able to fix vietnam unless they go into politics which they can't do because there's no such thing as free elections, or that they'll learn the values of liberty in vietnam
it would be better for them to live in the west and the west can benefit from their brains
there is nothing wrong with cherrypicking brains if they'll be wasted in their home country
how many jihadis do we see from indonesia or bangladesh? not as many as from the middle east
indonesia is the largest muslim country, but strangely there's not many indonesian terrorists, it is perhaps the civilizing effect of neighbouring hindu and buddhist cultures
the STANDARDS necessary for a multicultural society to thrive is an IQ test and a blank criminal record
>in the ground
you first
>zero culture.
singapore is barely 200 years old and only a tiny island
come back in 500 years