Anonymous ID: c9c7f9 April 24, 2018, 2:26 p.m. No.1172615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3248


Just a quick note…you're not forgetting about the abomination of desolation are you? It seems as though you are saying that when they rebuild the temple Jesus will return ( for christians the confirmation and to the jews the proof? …This is exactly why people are going to be fooled by the antichrist…when they build that tower the antichrist is going to proclaim he is God and the Jews WILL believe he is the messiah since they believe he hasn't come yet BUT that will be the Antichrist not Jesus coming back…this is serious doctrinal error and I think you can see why.It isn't as much about pre, post or mid tribulation as it is about the prophecy of the antichrist and how you seemed to have misinterpreted it or maybe I have completely missed your view.

Anonymous ID: c9c7f9 April 25, 2018, 7:10 a.m. No.1179808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1860 >>1911 >>0513


Ok so that is how you see it as well ( in terms of timeline of end times ect) Also I re read my post and it unintentionally sounded a bit snarky and for that I appologize and appreciate you not throwing it back to me , maybe I was on the boards too long and forgot to just be normal :) but for whatever reason I am sorry.


Man, this topic is something that my wife and I talk about all the time. Believing whole heartedly in the Word I sometimes find it hard ( well hard isn't the right word ) but strange when it comes to things like Q or anything that attempts to change the "overall," narrative of the world , because in a way we know how the book ends and have always known. Now since we agree on timeline I guess you were correct in saying that it comes down to being Pre, Post or mid Tribulation as that could sway how you feel about bringing this time about. I personally believe I am mid and I say believe because I've always know it as post trib pre-wrath which I think is the same thing. 3.5 years of TRIB…Rapture..3.5 yrs of wrath.


The subject is mind blowing in all of its possibilities. My take on it is this. No matter what , even though the coming of our lord is like the greatest thing we could witness in our life, we are always supposed to fight to stay on this earth and save souls and do the lords work here while still keeping that blessed hope alive in our mine so I feel like we do what the Lord speaks to us to do at the time and do it for the betterment of the word without bearing on what it may bring or what it may not bring….we know at the end what really happens anyway..what we do not know is when and what it will look like on the way ( we know some signs but not a longer timeline of events I guess)

Also what if all this work we are doing ( Q ect ) brings about a change in our world and the lord spares us for longer than we expected and the "stage," is halted for the beast system? lol now I am a bit skeptical against that because the signs seem to be pointing to the former and have been for awhile. At the end of the day though the Lord is the Lord and he can change actions and delay whatever he wants but I just don't see the change in peoples Love towards Jesus yet to think that God will spare his judgment. Sure we are sticking up for freedom on this earth and that is a worthy fight but the largest paradigm shift and the movement's focus has been more centered on those types of worldly things as opposed to repentance towards the lord. ( I hope that makes since ) This is why I continue to write on the boards just a little bit saying hey , if you guys/gals believe Q on almost all of these things then you may want to look at his MAIN point, which is that it is a battle of GOOD AND EVIL, and not just common vernacular of those descriptors but the Biblical meaning. So if you follow the logic than those who are not believers in Christ should at the very least entertain the idea of asking Jesus to be your lord and savior as this is the biggest TRUTH that Q is really pushing in my opinion.


I guess I feel that either way we fight for what God tells us to no matter what end that brings and it could mean we spare his judgment if only for a short time. Even though I know I am supposed to have no fear of the Trib. I do. I know I will be with the lord at the end but the Trib is scary I don't care what anyone says :) Esp. since I believe the Bible supports a mid trib. scenario.


This is such a great topic and I'm so glad you raised it. I hope I am making sense on it as there is so much to touch on.

Anonymous ID: c9c7f9 April 25, 2018, 10:35 a.m. No.1182353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2607


Yeah…..Well damn….I can't help but take it down the religious…I guess one must ask this question as well, as unpopular as it may be on the boards. Is Q a false prophet ? I am having this weird experience right now ha


In terms of the civic nationalism question? Dang man I have not thought about this enough…I mean I haven't really thought this movement to its full end. NO I don't think civic nationalism can work. It seems like the cultural problems we are having is a purge of that attempt in away being downstream of the politics that represent the divisions we are having in society ..Dude you really have made me think … spitballing out loud but how does this end without violence….?? I need to go for a walk