Anonymous ID: a185ff Nov. 17, 2020, 11 p.m. No.11690447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0473


No have you ever seen a woman on the right like that in real life? I have, and yes the woman on the left is overweight but they context in which you used that very alarming picture was really fucked up. I will say this to you, I know women like the one on the left attached to machines, organs failing drops in blood pressure, permanent injury to their heart tissues and young twenties and thirties…why??/ Because of what they see on social media…the woman on the left probably has the same issue but uses food to control the insecurity that plagues her, bringing high blood pressure, obesity and then diabetes…this world was designed to destroy woman in all her glory….Many of the women on the right I knew died from heart failure at less than 35 years old. I understand what Communism is…but that picture is much more true to the battle today that women battle all the time. You are an antagonist and you have no idea what something like that really means, you used it to demonstrate a comparison to communism 100 years to today but what it did was remind me of how distorted so many view women….even the boobs on here are globes of clear mushy balls….the whole point is to present truth not lies and your display was way off base.


May God and the Holy Spirit remind you of his creation, not man's…which is twisted and evil.

Anonymous ID: a185ff Nov. 17, 2020, 11:08 p.m. No.11690491   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I pray that neither of you have a child who almost dies because of an eating disorder and constant self doubt at 14, trying to commit suicide and being told they are at deaths door….I prayed and prayed hard for years and thank god she is a beautiful productive living on her own young adult…..apparently you have no idea what poison is out there that is killing our children in so many ways….