>AI algorithms
>lmao when I saw a totally Engrish ad for "SEXY GAY MAN UNDERWEAR!"
AI is totally overrated when it comes to things that matter, and the problem is that it is asexual. It cannot possibly grasp that a vast proportion of the things an individual man or woman does are shaped by erotic inclinations, even things that don't overtly seem connected to them at all. (For instance, a man doesn't wish to be a coward in a fight, and even if he is not "simply" trying to impress women, and shouldn't be, he knows that women would rightly despise him if he were a coward.)
To get "sexual" AI, you'd basically have to cread individual artificial life forms that would act as INDIVIDUALS in some artificial (or "real") world, and ultimately wouldn't give a fuck about Sundar Pichai and other such nonentities.