The only way to prove all religions invalid is to participate, or at least to study, every one of them. You impress me as being slightly younger
than for that to be a statistical possibility. You can
not possibly know that ALL religions are invalid.
Most definitely–then you have personal
experience with aliens, anon? From 1950's or
1960's sci-fi. Why haven't they made them-
selves apparent to the whole world? If they have
arrived here themselves, I cannot believe they
would venture so far at such global expenses
to either prove they exist, or to approach a
less prepared world for any sort of meaningful
dialog. Or have you been reading the Enquirer
again? Where does your definitude come from?
Actually, it would logically have to be more than
this, anon. For would the good man not at least
try to affect his world for good? And would not the
evil man attempt to affect his world for evil? But this automatically extends good and evil to
the environment and people that good and evil
men attempt to affect. Your point is invalid.
Well, then, does that not self-contradict your
point 2, that we are 'definitely not alone?' But,
if no one is coming down, that does away with
the evil aliens as well, so we're OK. So now, points 2 AND 4 are debunked.
But not ALL children are elite playthings. I can
say this from personal experience. My own
children have never even met an 'elite' as you
call them, in their life-times. There are many
children in the sad state of affairs you mention,
but it is neither true nor fair to categorize all
children as MERELY the playthings of the elite.
Since my staunchest Trump opponent would
have at least the same level of logic as I have,
he would very likely see that since I can so easily
debunk points 1-5, there's no point in him trying
to attack us on that basis.
Case dismissed.