Rolling Stones thought it was so cool that someone was murdered at their concert they made a movie about it.
Mick Jagger was nighted by the Queen.
Canada is Britons garbage dump.
Dear UK we won get over it,USA.
And we saved your ass in WW2.
And the queens sons are pedophiles.
It's not the Jews it's the brits.
LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE bace has no runway.
British royals are inbreed.
Thus retarded so the Freemasons run the country.
LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE STATION is where fake news was born.
I'm on the list.
Jesus is the king of the Jews moron.
Fake news rules the world , fake news was created at LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE bace
Fake News is Satan introduced to the USA government by Nazis.
>USA government lost control. Trump is the fixer.
His friend JFK. Jr. was killed by the pedophile Satanist and Trump was tagged to fix this.
Joe Biden is a braindead pedophile. He will not be president
If you don't watch this declassified government film you will have no idea whats going on.
Aerospace Audiovisual Service Airlift Command of the 1352nd photographic group.
Fake news.
There are no landing strips or air planes at this air base, only cameras.
They invented Hollywood and Rock music
They supplied the street drugs to Los Angeles.
Every actor they controlled.
Every actor was raped. Yup even them.
If you don't watch this you don't know.
Sadly him and her and him also….
Fuck off asshole everyone hates you.
Your parents are so proud of you.
Your parents are so proud of you. >>11690975
I showed your mother this.
She vomited.
You know the thing.
My grandmother was Liberace's brother Georges children's nanny.
My father spent the Beatles first night in there hotel room and was at Robert Kennedy's assassination.
He walked Norma Jean to high school everyday until she got married.
Santa Monica and west Los Angeles was a slum then.
My mom was raped by Walt Disney when she was a tween.
You folks have no idea how bad it is.
Assume your children have been raped.
Even if they are newborns.
Were the nurses really giving them a bath?
I spent the 70's and 80's with the most famous people on the planet. They are really severely stupid.
Did you know the illuminati pimp out their children?
They are set for life why do they need to go to school.
99% of famous people are illuminati children.
Eric Schmidt is an in-bread retard like every other trust fund baby.
Every index 500 controllers are in-bread retards like every other trust fund baby.
Do you know how fun it is to spend a weekend with the Illuminati?
Gouge out your eyes thats how fun it is.
Trump knows how sick these people are.
They insult each other 24/7. They think thy are clever, they are retarded.
Covid is the common cold.
Joe Biden worships the common cold.
Anthony Stephen Fauci is an in-bread retard.
They never shut up.
Don't complain fix it.
Then they fuck a goat.
Need more cheese.
Do you know how easy it is for a rich mane to enter heaven? A billion to one.
God Jesus and the Holy Spirt laugh.