Anonymous ID: ec43d4 Nov. 18, 2020, 2:06 a.m. No.11691224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Royal Commission Of Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attack On Christchurch Mosques On 15 March 2019


The Royal Commission has completed its inquiry process and is focused on producing the report. All interviews, meetings, evidence and analysis work are now complete.


Commissioners and the secretariat conducted close to 400 meetings and interviews in the course of the inquiry since it was established on 8 April 2019.


“We want to thank everyone who interacted with the Royal Commission throughout the inquiry, providing vital information, insights and expertise,” says Commissioner Sir William Young.


“Our report has been informed by months of gathering evidence, talking to community members and analysing submissions,” says Commissioner Jacqui Caine.


“Many of those interviewed, were summonsed to appear and provided evidence under oath. We used interviews to explore relevant matters, to test evidence or to put direct questions to elicit information and answers,” says Sir William Young.


The Royal Commission met with or interviewed affected whānau, survivors and witnesses of the terrorist attack, community organisations and individuals, current and former members of parliament, chief executives of Public sector agencies, Public sector employees, local government representatives, academics, subject matter specialists, integrity agencies and international experts.


In recent months we held hearings, meetings and interviews with people and organisations including:


· Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister and Minister for National Security and Intelligence


· Dr Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen (chair), Jacob Ravndal, Jakob Ilum and Helge Renå, members of the Evaluation Committee investigating the Norwegian Police Security Service’s handling of a 2019 right-wing terrorist attack at Al-Noor Islamic Centre in Bærum, Norway