Thank you Bake>>11695600
Well, that explains the poll watchers remarking that some ballots looked as if they were 'copy machine' filled in.
Thank you Bake>>11695600
Well, that explains the poll watchers remarking that some ballots looked as if they were 'copy machine' filled in.
the nut never falls far from the tree that produced it.
Yes. If the law/legal system worked.
But it doesn't.
They have covered their own asses by installing laws not voted by the people, that protects their crimes.
And if they don't have a law to cover their ass, they just tell you to go fuk yourself and do what they want.
Example: California
this is how the DS gets discovery of what potus has as evidence.
Line up the lawyer-rats.
I want a front row seat at your Judgment hearing.
Well…this is bullshit piled high.
Thanx Lindsey.
After she bought that house they built [according to her] a new "studio" add on, for her to work from with a rock'n rig and sound equip.
So I would say no ext cords.
What will you do fren when you find out your Merkel has been stealing the votes to stay in power and sell out Germany to the highest bidder…[Muslim Middle East]?
Germany has a rich heritage culture that is being nullified.
Fuk me.
Nasty…Speaker for another 2 years.
That man triggers my gag reflex.
If we get this mess over here fixed, hopefully we can assist others to throw off the chains.
I think the Putin has a valid point.