the organ donor collection agency has paid for your meme?
tyranny always tells the opposition to 'jump and die'
the organ donor collection agency has paid for your meme?
tyranny always tells the opposition to 'jump and die'
they like it if that seems like how you described some of the time just to sow a little bit of discord.
it seems to suit their need to be hero worshipped.
Governor Dictator:
We can't follow your rules
we can't hear you anymore . . .
I see your mouth moving,
the bobbleheads are a-bobbling
but I don't understand a thing that you're saying.
Governor Dictator:
We can't hear you anymore.
We don't know
what you're saying
gov' Cuomo
we can't hear you anymore.
I think if you go to a dark place you can see it with your eyes as a fuzzy patch.
Says the wrecking ball . . .