Anonymous ID: c439b8 Nov. 18, 2020, 1:59 p.m. No.11697579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7612

The Great Reset.


Basically, the Great Reset isn’t so much a plan in itself as it is a description of many other plans that have already been put into action. It’s the thing that patriots have been describing all these months since the coronavirus conspiracy began:


Elites and Jews want to strip you of all your rights, create a global government, end private property, make you live in a pod and eat bugs while surviving on “UBI” credits that are awarded to a computer chip in your hand. The world government wants to be a public-private partnership between the UN and multinational corporations. These corporations will become feudal powers and they’ll basically own portions of the population that live in their pods, eat their bug rations and take their sleeping pills.

The “Great Reset” is just explaining all that like it’s going to be great.


It is important, because they are literally saying they’re going to end private property. The Jews literally plan to destroy Christianity and Western Civilization, and enslave you. The New World Order is here.