Anonymous ID: 64d786 Nov. 18, 2020, 3:39 p.m. No.11698331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8368 >>8371 >>8388 >>8390 >>8392 >>8408 >>8485


Use logic.

It’s not time for public big name arrests.

Everyone knows we are on a game clock now and it’s past the two-minute warning. Forget all their massive projections, censorship and general reeeee. All a sign of their fear. Think of the sheer POWER contained in the Q drop 55…THREE YEARS AGO…”Look to Twitter..exactly this…” 70-100 MSM articles A DAY now panic projecting over “muh Qanon.” They are terrified of that. Why would Trump use it yet? He is MASTER at using polarity for him and against the enemy. Master.


There are three theatres of battle right now. 1.) The public lawsuits to keep the public engaged and wake them up to Truth of Fake News. 2.) The military operations we know of through Twitter comms and all the “training ops.” I would include diplomatic ops here with Pompeo country-hopping to either ensure others are informed or to issue serious warnings to get on board or else. Finally, there is 3.) the arrests.

They are going on right now, however it is the lower-level operators of human traffic networks. The stories are there, buried on page six. They are all waiting for the “Big Move” They toss in their beds every night wondering when it will come. Their minions are getting round up, their funding getting cut off and time is running out. Maybe there’s a couple of mid-levels picked off in the night. You will never hear of it because the Deep State still believes they can get a hold of this. They MUST believe; they are pot committed at this point and have no other choice.

As the public becomes more awake and the military continues to win, the mid-upper levels start to eat each other as they do not want to take the fall.

The war is already won, they just have not accepted it yet. They are Wile E. Coyote in that split-second after he has run off the cliff but before the fall.

When the time is right then the whole world will see as the finale of this epic story is shown to the world. It’s going to be BIBLICAL.