NYC Christmas tree was donated by Al Dick……
Did the taxpayers ask public servant Lindsey to give Biden briefings?
I think not
Do what we tell ya to do…….servant
What I’ve been saying….vaccine will be mandatory for 65 and older…..the doomsday generation has doomsdayed themselves…..Uber kek
If I had a bunch of money like Soros
I think world politics would be boring
Ahhh they found an owl in NYC Christmas tree
If you “see” an owl, it means whatever luck your having will continue, so NYC all downhill now…..heard homeless are leaving NYC in droves, looking for sauce on that
What a Dem/commie comment
We’re gonna help the Black and brown folks……kek……I’m brown, in the summer
So much for “color blind society”
Fucking commies
Hey……guess where fake sharpies are made………….China
So you got boxes of fake ballots and fake markers…….brilliant