Knowing the United States has been incorporated…
Could this incorporation be a foundation for the progressive formation of a shadow government?
Built upon by, first, false presentation of disinformation of real government? i.e. violence and disruption of elections
Secondly, affirmation of the previous dis-information. i.e. mass media news sources & false representation of premature election confirmations?
Thirdly, possible upcoming actions of the dark military and tech resources?
If it can be thought of from my own mind… so can others. Implying, their playbook is known. Being known, their actions will be nullified. But, they will be allowed to initiate their efforts… enough so that the people become aware of their goals and their crimes.
This, so all can come to agreement on changes to prevent furture attempts of the same.
I look forward to the unfolding of human potential after this darkness has been negated.