Anonymous ID: c0a55d Nov. 18, 2020, 8:30 p.m. No.11702019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2044


>If this asshole wanted the information preserved, why didn’t they post it here.

Ah, the OP asshole wanted the information spread and autist brains investigating. Not a bunch of normies LARPing as anonymous.


The high rez files would NOT have been preserved on here. They had to be loaded into a file sharing site because they were MASSIVE.


The pics we uploaded from the file sharing sites are all just fine. You just can't go to the file sharing site to DL yourself because (and I'll fucking try again)


because the file sharing site deleted them


You are not a /pol/tard If you were you'd know WE are a fucking herd of cats continually underfire, WHY? because we're the most effective crowdsourced investigation site on the fucking Internet.


I posted every single high rez photo I personally DL from the file sharing site. If that doesn't make you happy, fuck off.


And before you fucking get on again about the (cough) genius of this site, I tried for four days, FOUR…ok FOUR FUCKING DAYS to get this kvetching bunch of whinny ass panic tards to stop kvetching about the election and start digging what POTUS said


"the people in the dark shadows, the people you've never heard about".


Do you think even ONE person here said..yeah that looks interesting….NOPE…all it fucking was was MEH muh q where's Q we lost…bitch and moan and bitch and moan. I posted Polly's video of the same title exposing the Baks. YOU FUCKERS still don't fucking know who they are because the bakers are too busy comparing vaginas and posting child porn.


Don't you fucking "site superiority" bullshit. This place was created to fucking remove the normies off /pol/. ALL this place can focus on is PEDO SATAN shit and Dear Leader Q. If Pedo or child is in the dam post they'll flock. These people are so fucking stupid they were posting about collecting clothes and toys for the children rescued from tunnels in NY and stored on ships. Good hearts don't get shit done.


Let me ask you this–Q doesn't post on /pol/ and yet not once have they stopped…not once. This place? Kvetch muh dear leader where are you massa. One post from Q and they all come running back. MUH MASSA pleeese tell us it's all going to be OK cause we're too fucking stupid to figure it out on our own.


KRAUT dropped the Scytl ON /POL/ not here, why? look in the fucking mirror..or, pic related.


Now fuck off your whinny ass bitching because GOOGLE deleted massive data files.

Anonymous ID: c0a55d Nov. 18, 2020, 8:48 p.m. No.11702217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Jewish Communists DID do everything. And Christians unwavering support for MUH CHOSEN. I hold them both accountable. All a Jew has to do is whine in the right direction and the "Christians" rush to war for them. I'll tell you this for free, it's time to start questioning any "god" that chooses these monsters as his favorite.

Research Nazino Island. FUCKING JEWISH COMMUNISTS. Go watch Europa, the Last Battle…fucking Jewish Communists


Dear KIKES, there's NO coming back from this. There's /ourjews/ and satan's jews—-and now that we know the difference you will never be able to destroy the world again.


Ever wonder why the Jewish Communists started the "Trump is literally Hitler" meme?


Watch Europa and find out.


Ghadaffi, JFK, Hitler, Trump…..




(most people here are too terrified of actually investigating this for themselves….once you do, you can never go back)




watch for Bibi's dick sucking Trump when it's obvious not only did the kikes fail to steal our election and country, they fucking exposed their evil to the one group of 'support' they had left. American Christians.


Stop with the fucking chozen meme. JESUS TOLD YOU…"those who say they are jews but they are not. THEY are of the synagogue of SATAN" own your shit, ask for forgiveness and stop sucking Israel's dick each time they put their wrist to their foreheads and whine. I swear if you people don't wake the fuck up….OWN YOUR SHIT. WWII was started because of YOU fuckers and your brainwashed propaganda.


Samuel Untemeyer's speech to Christians in 1933. GO fucking read it. And please, please stop with the muh chosen.