Anonymous ID: c7ef52 Nov. 18, 2020, 8:44 p.m. No.11702186   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Pelosi gets re-elected in a House that did not go to the Dems and has contested results. Cool.

'Server' [from Germany] brings down the House?

If this and the COVID bs is allowed to go much further the people will begin forming militias and dealing with things ourselves.

Already hearing rumors.

Unconstitutional mandates and non-laws are about to be met with lead.

Justice needs to begin soon to avoid violence.

People are calling for their heads.

It's time.

Turn the tide.

We now get jail time and a fine if we leave our houses after curfew. Masks inside of our homes.

We the People are beyond fed-up and about to take action.

Lord, be with us in our righteous intent.

Give us the strength of the Archangel Michael to slay our enemies.

The Lord rebukes fzqko