When the first sentence is false, it's all false and not worthwhile.
fake bin Laden.
I'm in the heart of Libtardville. I'm surrounded by fucking morons who are also anti-American. They need to be eliminated. Crooked assholes or morons, all of them. They are ruining a great state.
These issues are a further level of kekiness.
This is why we need to seriously clean house of traitors and anti-American scumbags and get to the work of restoring the Constitutional Republic.
Kek. Anything else is a false narrative.
It's not important, it's old news, it's fake news and it's not Q, yet you posted it numerous times. Go back to reddit.
This is why many R's are resigning from Congress, but many fewer D's. Because Dese people are stupid. And sick.
>>1170420 Coastal Cal.
They both like young boys?
That's twisted. If I were Trump, I'd tell him, we dont make that sign in this WH period.
Agree they need to be targeted.
Dark days = lotsa tv time = brainwashed demoncrats.
Demoncrats are other brainwashed species are all about muh tv. Muh tv is the key to redpilling and reverse programming.
The Seals were killed bcause they know it wasnt bin Lade, who was already dead for years.
I hope it's the same Seal Team sent to extract Soetero and that he tries to resist and escape.
Hitmerkeler needs to see some tapes.
This state need serious Federal intervention, as do many others, IL, PA, VA. We must deport, purge the voting rolls and monitor the vote, and arrest the big demoncrat crooks. Without all that, all the red states are lost forever, and the blue states are next.
Nobel Prize officially became bullshit when they gave it to QueerBarry Soetero for nuttin.
When we do the right thing as a country, God will bless us as a nation and things will fall into place.
"Arrests are imminent." For about 8 years so far.
I think Trump likes Macron, however, that doesnt mean Macron will flip to the white side.
Deporting all Canadian "journalists" would help.
I hope this prick is indicted.
Sessions works for Trump, you have to assume he's doing what Trump wants, or hed be fired like the others.