Our solar sats can only give us a 30-second warning of an incoming grid-killing flare. There should be a coordinated kill-switch to shut all large transformers (drastic yes, but consider the alternative) to protect them from frying from the imminent Ground Induced Current. At the very least there should be a redundant SECOND transformer a every plant. Crazy that there aren’t. The manufacturing backlog on these large Xformers are a year. The U.S. only has ONE small company which manufactures the specialty steel for these Xformers. This shortage, along with the special steel for our Virginia Class attack sub hulls, were the prime movers behind POTUS’ steel tariffs plan. U.S. Steel must be No. 1 again!
Military? What about every nuke plant? Hospitals? Months-long blackouts in every city? Need more than the military up and running running. WW III isn’t the only event that can send us back to the Stone Age.