Anonymous ID: 92fa5f Nov. 18, 2020, 10:19 p.m. No.11702989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3030

I saw this pb notable and it got me thinking…

>>11701108 (pb notable)

Hillary Clinton, the Podesta Group and the Saudi Regime: A Fatal Menage a Trois

By Medea Benjamin

"If I told you that Democratic Party lobbyist Tony Podesta, whose brother John Podesta chairs Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is a registered foreign agent on the Saudi government’s payroll, you’d probably think I was a Trump-thumping, conspiratorial nutcase. But it’s true."

"Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK."


… and what I started thinking about is why the anti-globalist left has been so horribly SUCKERED.

Think about: ANTIFA is even MORE PATHETIC than you think. They behave like human SCUM. We know that.

But they do it in the service of the VERY PEOPLE they purport to oppose.

The Fortune 500 CEOs have already promised that they will be at the forefront of any attempt to forestall the innauguration of Sleepy Joe and Kameltoe.

And I'm sure ANTIFA will be right there with them. Is there any limit to loserdom?


I think the crucial issue, rarely overtly discussed, is abortion. This is the issue that FUNDAMENTALLY BLOCKS any self-identified "leftist leaders" from finding common cause with others, EVEN when there is near total agreement on some topics. Medea Benjamin CANNOT write this article without making clear that she DISDAINS Trump supporters, many of whom would agree with almost everything she says here and for the same reasons. And the ultimate hidden reason for that isn't that some don't like Trump's personal style, and that he is actually a "white supremacist" (obviously absurd), but that it would LEGITIMIZE some who TOTALLY reject abortion and regard it as a grotesque moral evil - tearing babies limb from limb.


This can't be talked about too openly, since the D party relies crucially on support from many who OPPOSE abortion completely (most obviously many blacks, but many others too). And even many who allow that they are "pro-choice" don't want to think about it too much. "I wouldn't do it myself, but I don't think I should tell other women what to do… and politicians shouldn't either…" The whole issue needs to be disguised: to say you are "pro-life" is a disguised way of saying you are a SEXIST who believes women are INFERIOR, and that is a horrible evil akin to being a RACIST, and "racists" all secretly want to commit GENOCIDE. Quite diabolical: NOT wanting to murder babies is like genocide!


But why? Why is abortion so crucial? Because once you undermine the practicality and desirability of family life (especially as an arena for feminine creativity), many talented women seek their "real lives" elsewhere. And yet they still desire physical intimacy, and in the absence of other stable meaning in life, the very possibility of such intimacy (fervently desired more often than achieved), becomes even more central to their self-conception. But if they overtly or othewise eschew any goal of marriage, then they'd better be fairly quick at "putting out" or men in a similar spot lose interest. The upshot is that "unwanted" pregnancies are a risk of what might seem the only thing that gives life meaning, even if no one wants to think about the dead babies.



Anonymous ID: 92fa5f Nov. 18, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.11703030   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>11702989 (me)


So then, if right, this is all a result of the obliteration of family life. It makes sense that totalitarian globalists should seek to destroy this, as it is impossible to completely control it. It is an organic locus of fundamental opposition to a system that views people as interchangeable under various metrics controlled from the top. It cannot even fully be understood by outsiders, as internal modes of communication build on each other over time. And indeed, those at the top HAVE sought to destroy this enemy. For those at the financial bottom, actual family LIFE is crushed by the need for multiple sources of employment. But perceived NEEDS rise as one goes up the financial scale, and even married couples with incomes in the middle six figures can feel they barely make it, and they are somewhat "right", since if they did not keep up, they would lose status with their social peers of the same educational and financial rank, and become excluded. (This is partly the result of the now common "assortative mating" among the "educated" - it is crucial, if you marry, to marry someone of your "rank" - and so you must both KEEP your rank!) But even if a married couple gets by financially, the raising of children, while no doubt bringing some joys, can very often seem as if is a matter of MEETING EXTERNAL REQUIREMENTS - these first being set by the medical establishment and growingly by the educational establishment. If your children do not measure up in the right ways, then you are a personal failure and may even be guilty of CHILD ABUSE. Raising chidren is decidely NOT an arena for creativity! (Feminine or otherwise…)


It is then perhaps NO SURPRISE that family life seems unappealing. (Many opt for it in the end, somehow, as it seems better than total isolation. But it hardly gives meaning to life… in the global bureaucracy.) So many intelligent and creative women "need" to sleep around around, and preserve the option of killing their babies, and if you oppose this you are LITERALLY HITLER!


Much text, but maybe this explains why PANTIFA serve as expendable foot soldiers for the very people they RIGHTLY despise…