>>11703040 (PB)
Maybe go do some research on the Levant and educate yourself. The REAL Jews are the Palestinians force converted to Islam. The fake jews forced them from their homes at gunpoint starting prior to world war I they moved even more of their fake jews to Judea with the Transfer Agreement pushing more and more Palestinians from their homes and land. No one dare help the Palestinians. DNA and ethographic studies have proven this.
Palestinians were the Jews of the Levant and they've never been a "world power". Some jews escaped forced conversion and maintained their original culture and settled elsewhere. Those are Orthodox and Reformed Jews. SOME of them may also be Talmudic Jews but not in any large numbers. ORTHODOX Jews do NOT believe Israel should exist and they love Donald Trump. TALMUDIC Jews HATE Donald Trump and think the entire Middle East should be theirs. These groups exist side by side. The government of Israel hates the Orthodox and Black Jews.
YOU keep babbling about Talmudic Jews. JESUS tried to tell you. PHARISAIC and SADDUCEE were not Jews. Whoever these people really are, they melted themselves into Levantine Jewish culture and started LARPing as Jews. Did the Sea People get tired of roaming the seas? They literally just moved right in and took over. Just like the muzzies and nigger/afrocentrism are doing in Europe. If that's not stopped, in 200 years they will have "proof" Queen Elizabeth II was really an African, just like Joan of Arc.
This is how it's done. You know who is trying to eliminate the culture of Europe? The people with no culture of their own except what they've stolen from others. They have successfully erased some of MY ancestors from history because they are hateful and envious and have never stopped hunting us where ever we ran to.
I don't know what you're operating on but it's not education or intelligence. Just raw paintbrush hate? I've made my points scholastically and you can easily double check my statements.
I'll let Rabbi Yossef Ben Porat explain it to you. Now, get this, when this speech started going "viral" and Jews started talking, guess who made a similar but slightly skewed speech? Bibi. That's right he then stepped in and twisted the dial. Which one is telling the truth? Rabbi Yossef and the only way they can keep this speech uploaded on jewtube is to lie in the title.
And they try to get Europa deleted anywhere they find it.