Not just the government but the American people's voice as well
Could it be a filter implemented to filter out CP and Gore. I notice there's a lag between when I post something and it gets displayed.
I haven't seen any CP or Gore in a while so far.
Anyone have any updates on the Viziv Tesla towers in Texas?
When you first enter the previous thread you'll see displayed 157 more or less. Let it sit until the refresh actually happens and you'll see the thread count update. I tested that out and it did just that and took a while to populate those remaining posts.
>Not the user side, Anon.
>The server side.
Ah okay. But yeah whenever there's an issue with any site, I always hit the clear cache option on my browser.
I wonder if there's been an uptick in google searches for "Crimes and certifying election votes" kek
Also, for the page post update if you click on [update] 14-15 times, the update occurs. I've done that twice now and it seems to work so far.
I think it still needs a bit of ironing out for issues though. It's a good start imo regardless not to have to worry about the CP and other nasty stuff the swamp creatures post.
>>11703368 Yup >>11703318
The last few times it took about 9.
Mine has been on auto but when it goes to 270 or something for the waiting it's faster doing it manually. A few times it just kept looping on auto and didn't do anything even after 10 minutes. So manual again.