ya im done what is left to fght for …. apparently dont worry our militarys gunna just go round um up just right around the corner guys
just a few more feet its right their…. oh fuck …. never mind its the next corner just right around that one and we will win . so much winning all I gotta do is ignore the 10000000s of times we lose and then all we do is win. ya that's it just ignore reality . don't worry
haspel will be replaced…. (ideots the wont be replaced)
wray will be replaced…… again …. no he wont .. still arresting and attacking innocent people
don't worry Q will come in and tell uss this is the plan
(come on guys are you this insane )
yes losing the election loseing the lawsuits losing recounts then in Georgia losing everything that a god damn win in the highest order … if you are devoid of reality may be lol ….
wait for it …. but my military
yep the military … training with DS assets … yep well you really are this stupid
get ammo, get food , get tp , set up systems to talk, set up channels, set up choke points, map twitter google fb cnn MSNBC to take them down first , tell the miltary you want freedom that is all and pray you don't get a round between the eyes because yep … biden alreay said hes coming for you ..
dude its just so so so so so much winning …. here in opposite land where we win every day why … cuz we are losing … the void between you guys and reality is a damn joke. hell if the military was involved at all at this point if Q or potus at all had any intention of having them involved it be done already use common sense…
Q. the military heads take over the fbi cia etc.
hasn't happened . unless this happens its pretty clear the military is not involved . at all apparently get this they don't mind pedos running wht they can and cant do … don't worry the dude behind the computer typing wake up will wake them up ….. just wow wow wow…. take the country back or watch it burn those are the choices. and to those saying otherwise you ARE so pacified its not even funny seriously I thought Q was real but now every time I see someone say we need to be ready for plan z because if potus loses and we are not ready they will start to round uss up and eliminate uss then I see every one of you morons post . we don't call for violence shill…. whatever don't be ready watch you and your children be put into camps I meen biden made that clear and then half you ideots posted he wont be able to do you actually believe he can take out 70 million of uss…. so you believe in hidden tech and vaccines that can take you out . but not that they could … lmfaoo wake up