Mike DeWine needs TO GO.
I don't believe any govt numbers any more.
I don't believe much of anything on ANY of the "news" channels, OAN, Newsmax, etc included. It's ALL a show, to varying degrees of deception, or only "true" to the degree you understand comms/coded words and concepts.
I don't believe anything bad about the virus—probably just the same old flu. May have been a far worse one planned—MAYBE NOT. Like many aspects of 911, getting us to believe it's something it isn't is maybe the biggest, most important aspect of the lie/scam.
I never really thought Gen Flynn was in any real danger, and doubt his situation was truly a "losing his house" in a genuinely dire way.
I DO believe there's been a war raging behind the scenes and good people have died and atrocities committed—I just think the reporting thereof and the propaganda manipulation of the public to get the collective consciousness to change to whatever the current victors want it to be is a delayed re-presentation of it, "based on a true story," but with LOTS of script-editorializing and changes from the art director.
two 3 (23=w=double-you)
33 bones in spine ("steel/steal your spine"?)
33rd parallel at Mt. Hermon where fallen angels landed when cast out of heaven?
What else?
>BOOM! Trump staffer claims, server raid in Germany was REAL!!
confirms at 3:02
Q-drop about anons being 2nd biggest news story (attacked) as of 3:02pm, as I recall (going off memory).