So why pose for MSM if MSM declares you
imaginary. Small sense in that line of reasoning,
So, ANTIFA does not exist, but unicorns and UFOS do?
That the best you got? GTFO
Sick, but funny. Sick, butโฆ Sickโฆ
Just overwhelm them with more BS and
flatulence. That should at least scare them!
Right, guys? Right!
As long as we allow individual businesses to go
down unprotested, they'll keep going. If businesses
in ONE town banded together to say, 'It won't happen
here,' the State would run away. They gonna
call in National Guards to close down the
businesses that PAY the National Guard?
DELAY feeling Deliberate.
No news, but still feeling it.
We'll make him not only President, but the
Precedent for all Future Elections! Let the
Demon-rats beware!
But I still sits alone, friend.