White Men are the new niggers of the world. Only if you have wealth can you escape the beat downs.
The 'new' Jew review.
The plan was formulated and hatched in 1890 - Control China, take Russia and destroy the American Constitution.
Khazerian Jews (Bolsheviks/Sanhedrin/Pharisees)
kek #MeToo BO/BV are on top of things.
Yahoo News set the Guiliani News Conference to 'private video' halfway through the presser. PANIC!
The Guiliani News Conference is a summary of the QResearch notables for the last 2 weeks.
NOW do you understand why we destroyed Comms Bakers and forced them to release our notables? Winning Winning Winning
If you lose your Twitter account GO TO GAB - Parler is a tool of the Washington Elite to control you. Gab is a proven scalable solution that has a RICH history of free speech.
Sorry James Woods - We don't bow to the Washington Elite anymore. You shouldn't either. You're too good for that.
Ask yourself a question. WHY are they all trying to drive us to Parler when Gab has been around and is PROVEN?