Anonymous ID: da956a Nov. 19, 2020, 2:06 p.m. No.11707941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7957

We pierced. We broke a straight line through the ranks of these destroyers and pretenders. And it hurt me. Torn by a psychology we did not understand at the time. We were few.


Military who stayed loyal to their oaths, fat or autistic, the lonely and jilted, the bored and misfit, the unemployed, the outcast. "They wanted to be a part of something bigger than themselves" - General Michael Flynn. Thank God for that opportunity.


Now I see in DC hundreds of thousands of people, men, women, and children marching in support of the constitution, the nation and the president, saying thank you, I LOVE YOU Mr. President. "Its the least we can do to show appreciation for the vicious attacks he has withstood for this nation in the last four years" - an old veteran who fought back tears as he said this. White, black, hispanic, asian, all happy and optimistic, talking, meeting. I too cried, and cried seeing and hearing this glorious, loving crowd, dressed in red, white, and blue, singing the Star Spangled Banner. Unification under God, in love, in harmony. Victory.


"Destroy the MSM" - mission accomplished, they are now the walking dead.

Disrupt the culture, slash through political correctness by playing the perfect object of prejudicial cultural hate. Psychic shock troops. "A little poison for the system."


Did you know that MIA and Julian Assange are buddies? She visits him in prison in England. "I got more records than the KGB."


We pierced. The harbingers. Without allies to follow us, we thought. But while they spent their confidence spitting their vitriol at us, our storytellers and streamers came in behind us, fresh, coherent, attractive and well spoken, young, intelligent, demonetized, shadowbanned, but people had already heard the end of the story from us. They wanted to believe.


It was all worth it, to see this. No one shot at me, and I physically hurt no one. But the effort hurt me. The most significant contribution I have made ever.


The effects of this over the next generation will be seen. Our military pulled the strings and were so good at it that there is no bloody civil war. Plato would be proud. This revolution will continue to spread worldwide, as the resources and prosperity of the nations are returned to their people.


Its like the end of Tron, the end of Flynn's adventure through the big computer. Stand on a high place and watch all the long red connections which lit the computerscape going in every direction turn blue, center first, then spreading over the digital land.


You are welcome.


Please be happy along with us. God loves you.

Anonymous ID: da956a Nov. 19, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.11708024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8104

It was to my girlfriend. I have finally been canceled. She wanted to know what happened to me. I had suddenly become super resistant to following narratives that didn't make any sense, and those stories of hope were what was keeping us together.

The love of my life. Now time to sell the farm and move back to Babylon.

There is still work to be done, so I am back after a year and a half.