You fags need to start exercising and getting ready to fight. No one is coming to save us. No one fought back against fake COVID. No one fought back against a stolen election. No one in government or military is on our side, they don’t bite the hand that feeds them. If y’all don’t want your kiddos force vaccinated and chipped, your private property abolished and “freedom” stolen then its time to vote from the rooftops. Or don’t. I am beyond giving a flying fuck at a rolling donut at this point, but some of y’all may care. I won’t take another year like this one, would rather punch out going after a Swamp Tango and be famous than a life of masks and kneeling. Fuck all y’all, including Q. All politicians, lawyers and cops can die in a fire. All of them goose-stepping along, following orders like bitches while the country dies. Q and Trump; biggest ass-fuck psyop next to 9/11 and Covid19. Bababooey Muthafuckas.