When I tried that during the worst of the shit storm yesterday all I got was an error message. I had to leave auto update checked.
When I tried that during the worst of the shit storm yesterday all I got was an error message. I had to leave auto update checked.
>catalog still fucked
refreshed it a couple of times and it was fine.
Doing that yesterday was next to useless, even for the index; clearing cache at least brought up the current index.
>does the page update how im saying to do it?
NO, it did not when I tried it yesterday! But it works with auto update checked.
>could be indication of a larp
The whole language used is sufficient to tell me it's a larp and a piss poor one at that and shouldn't even have been posted to this board due to being so weak.
>i tried to F5
This will not work.
Just hammer that update button on the bottom right of the bread.
Either way, even if this little android doesn't go jail, all the clown nigger assets will be seized.
Anything from that faggot is suspect.
Apart from pushing BigDickheadLarpAnon furiously, he was also the BO of /CBTS/ and I'm sure the reason that Q and we moved from there has nothing to do with him being comped. Right?
I would like to think they are going to show the people how the judicial system has been corrupted, at least superficially.
It would be too long a process to expose the insidious use of the LEGAL PERSON strawman fiction imho.
>Zero fucks what you think
That's the ticket.
Now, if we could get at least a small percentage of the population to think the same way we'd be on the right road.
>and he doesn't sweat under pressure?
I imagine the blazing lights in his face would contribute to that.
Did you see how often he was mopping his brow?
Or maybe he was just mirroring what the other side must surely have felt during the presser.